
오늘의 단상_하나님이 약속하신 7가지 면류관

esmile1 2024. 10. 1. 13:17


오늘은 믿는 자들을 위한 7가지 면류관에 대해 깊이 있게 살펴보려고 합니다. 우리는 지상의 면류관부터 시작하여 천국의 면류관까지, 그리고 마지막으로 믿는 자들이 받을 수 있는 7가지 면류관에 대해 알아볼 것입니다. 이 연구는 성경 구절들을 자세히 살펴보며, 각 면류관의 의미와 그것을 얻기 위해 필요한 것들을 이해하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 창조주 하나님께서 왜 이러한 약속을 주셨을까 생각해보면서 하나님 아는 지식에서 더욱 성장하기 기대해 봅니다.


< 본문 요약 >


썩지 않는 면류관 (고린도전서 9:24-27): 거룩한 삶을 위한 면류관

주인의 면류관 (디모데후서 2:5): 올바르게 노력하는 자의 면류관

생명의 면류관 (야고보서 1:12): 시험을 견디는 자의 면류관

영광의 면류관 (베드로전서 5:1-4): 충실한 목자의 면류관

의의 면류관 (디모데후서 4:8): 주의 나타나심을 사모하는 자의 면류관

기쁨의 면류관 (데살로니가전서 2:19): 영혼 구원의 면류관

순교자의 면류관 (요한계시록 2:10): 죽기까지 충성한 자의 면류관


1. Introduction to Crowns in the Bible:


[Revelation 3:11 (KJV): "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "보라, 내가 속히 오리니 네가 가진 것을 굳게 붙들어 아무도 네 관을 빼앗지 못하게 하라."]


[James 1:12 (KJV): "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "시험을 견디는 자는 복이 있나니 그가 단련을 받은 뒤에 주께서 자신을 사랑하는 자들에게 약속하신 생명의 관을 받을 것이기 때문이라."]


[1 Peter 5:4 (KJV): "And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그리하면 목자장께서 나타나실 때에 너희가 사라지지 아니하는 영광의 관을 받으리라."]


[2 Timothy 4:8 (KJV): "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "이후로는 나를 위하여 의의 관이 예비되어 있나니 주 곧 의로우신 심판자께서 그 날에 그것을 내게 주실 것이요, 내게만 아니라 그분의 나타나심을 사랑하는 모든 자에게도 주시리라."]


2. Recap of Previous Studies:


[1 Corinthians 9:25 (KJV): "And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "이기려고 애쓰는 자마다 모든 일에 절제하나니 이제 그들은 썩을 관을 얻고자 그리하되 우리는 썩지 아니할 관을 얻고자 하노라."]


[2 Timothy 2:5 (KJV): "And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또한 이기려고 애쓰는 자라도 규칙대로 하지 아니하면 관을 얻지 못하리라."]


[Proverbs 16:31 (KJV): "The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "흰머리는 영광의 관이니 의의 길에서 그것을 얻으리라."]


[Proverbs 12:4 (KJV): "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "현숙한 여인은 자기 남편의 관이나 부끄럽게 하는 여인은 그의 뼈 속에 썩은 것과 같으니라."]


3. Seven Good Crowns:


[Psalm 103:4 (KJV): "Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "네 생명을 멸망에서 구속하시고 인자하심과 친절한 긍휼로 네게 관을 씌우시며"]


[Isaiah 62:3 (KJV): "Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또 네가 주의 손에 있는 영광의 관과 네 하나님의 손에 있는 왕가의 관이 되리라."]


[Proverbs 4:9 (KJV): "She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그것이 네 머리에 은혜의 장식을 두어 주며 영광의 관을 네게 건네주리라."]


[1 Thessalonians 2:19 (KJV): "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "우리의 소망이나 기쁨이나 자랑의 관이 무엇이냐? 우리 주 예수 그리스도께서 오실 때에 그분 앞에 있을 바로 너희가 아니냐?"]


4. Seven Bad Crowns:


[Isaiah 28:1 (KJV): "Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine!" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "교만한 관 곧 에브라임의 술 취한 자들에게 화가 있을지어다! 그들의 영광스러운 아름다움은 시드는 꽃이니 기름진 골짜기의 꼭대기에 있는 자들 곧 포도주에 정복된 자들의 꽃이로다."]


[Ezekiel 21:26 (KJV): "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "주 하나님이 이같이 말하노라. 관을 제거하고 왕관을 벗기라. 이것이 그대로 있지 아니하리라. 낮은 자를 높이고 높은 자를 낮추라."]


[Lamentations 5:16 (KJV): "The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned!" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "우리 머리에서 관이 떨어졌으니 우리에게 화가 있도다! 우리가 죄를 지었음이로다."]


[Revelation 12:3 (KJV): "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "하늘에 또 다른 이적이 보이니라. 보라, 큰 붉은 용이 있어 머리 일곱과 뿔 열이 있고 그 머리들 위에 일곱 관이 있으며"]


5. The Concept of Royalty:


[1 Peter 2:9 (KJV): "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그러나 너희는 선택 받은 세대요 왕가의 제사장들이요 거룩한 민족이요 특별한 백성이니 이것은 너희를 어둠에서 불러내어 자신의 놀라운 빛으로 들어가게 하신 분께 대한 찬양을 너희가 전하게 하려 하심이라."]


[Revelation 1:6 (KJV): "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또 우리를 왕과 제사장으로 삼으시어 자신의 하나님 곧 자신의 아버지를 위해 섬기게 하신 분께 즉 그분께 영광과 통치가 영원무궁토록 있기를 원하노라. 아멘."]


[Revelation 5:10 (KJV): "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또 우리 하나님을 위해 우리를 왕과 제사장으로 삼으셨으니 우리가 땅에서 통치하리이다, 하더라."]


[James 2:8 (KJV): "If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "너희가 성경 기록에 따라, 너는 네 이웃을 네 자신과 같이 사랑하라, 하는 왕가의 법을 성취하면 잘하거니와"]


6. Crowns in Heaven:


[Revelation 4:4 (KJV): "And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또 그 왕좌 주위에 스물네 자리가 있고 내가 보니 그 자리들 위에 스물네 장로가 흰옷을 입고 앉아 있는데 그들이 머리에 금관을 썼더라."]


[Revelation 4:10 (KJV): "The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying," (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "스물네 장로가 왕좌에 앉으신 분 앞에 엎드려 영원무궁토록 살아 계시는 분께 경배하고 자기들의 관을 왕좌 앞에 던지며 이르되,"]


[1 Corinthians 9:25 (KJV): "And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "이기려고 애쓰는 자마다 모든 일에 절제하나니 이제 그들은 썩을 관을 얻고자 그리하되 우리는 썩지 아니할 관을 얻고자 하노라."]


[2 Timothy 4:8 (KJV): "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "이후로는 나를 위하여 의의 관이 예비되어 있나니 주 곧 의로우신 심판자께서 그 날에 그것을 내게 주실 것이요, 내게만 아니라 그분의 나타나심을 사랑하는 모든 자에게도 주시리라."]


7. The Seven Crowns for Believers:


[James 1:12 (KJV): "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "시험을 견디는 자는 복이 있나니 그가 단련을 받은 뒤에 주께서 자신을 사랑하는 자들에게 약속하신 생명의 관을 받을 것이기 때문이라."]


[1 Peter 5:4 (KJV): "And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그리하면 목자장께서 나타나실 때에 너희가 사라지지 아니하는 영광의 관을 받으리라."]


[1 Thessalonians 2:19 (KJV): "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "우리의 소망이나 기쁨이나 자랑의 관이 무엇이냐? 우리 주 예수 그리스도께서 오실 때에 그분 앞에 있을 바로 너희가 아니냐?"]


[Revelation 2:10 (KJV): "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "너는 장차 당할 그것들을 전혀 두려워하지 말라. 보라, 마귀가 너희 중의 몇 사람을 감옥에 던져 넣어 너희를 시험하리니 너희가 열흘 동안 환난을 당하리라. 너는 죽기까지 신실하라. 그리하면 내가 네게 생명의 관을 주리라."]


8. The Savior's Crown:


[Revelation 19:12 (KJV): "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그분의 눈은 불꽃 같고 그분의 머리에는 많은 관이 있었으며 또 그분께 기록된 한 이름이 있었으나 그분 외에는 아무도 그것을 알지 못하더라."]


[Hebrews 2:9 (KJV): "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "다만 우리가 죽음의 고난을 당하시려고 천사들보다 조금 낮게 되신 예수님을 보니 그분께서 영광과 존귀로 관을 쓰셨도다. 이것은 그분께서 하나님의 은혜로 말미암아 모든 사람을 위하여 죽음을 맛보려 하심이라."]


[Psalm 8:5 (KJV): "For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "주께서 그를 천사들보다 조금 낮게 만드시고 그에게 영광과 존귀로 관을 씌우셨나이다."]


[Revelation 14:14 (KJV): "And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또 내가 보니, 보라, 흰 구름이 있고 그 구름 위에 사람의 아들 같으신 분이 앉으셨는데 그분의 머리에는 금관이 있고 그분의 손에는 예리한 낫이 있더라."]


9. The Martyr's Crown:


[Revelation 2:10 (KJV): "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "너는 장차 당할 그것들을 전혀 두려워하지 말라. 보라, 마귀가 너희 중의 몇 사람을 감옥에 던져 넣어 너희를 시험하리니 너희가 열흘 동안 환난을 당하리라. 너는 죽기까지 신실하라. 그리하면 내가 네게 생명의 관을 주리라."]


[Revelation 20:4 (KJV): "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또 내가 보니 왕좌들이 있고 그것들 위에 그들이 앉아 있는데 심판하는 권능이 그들에게 주어졌더라. 또 내가 보니 예수님의 증언과 하나님의 말씀으로 인하여 목 베임을 당한 자들의 혼들이 있는데 그들은 짐승과 그의 형상에게 경배하지 아니하고 자기들의 이마 위에나 손 안에 그의 표를 받지 아니한 자들이더라. 그들이 살아서 그리스도와 함께 천 년 동안 통치하되"]


[Acts 7:59-60 (KJV): "And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그들이 스데반을 돌로 치니 그가 하나님을 부르며 이르되, 주 예수님이여, 내 영을 받으시옵소서, 하고 무릎을 꿇고 큰 소리로 부르짖어 이르되, 주여, 이 죄를 저들의 책임으로 돌리지 마옵소서, 하더라. 이 말을 하고 그가 잠드니라."]


[Revelation 6:9 (KJV): "And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:" (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그분께서 다섯째 봉인을 여셨을 때에 내가 보니 제단 아래에 하나님의 말씀과 자기들이 간직한 증언으로 인해 죽임을 당한 자들의 혼들이 있더라."]


10. Encouragement to Strive for Crowns:


[1 Corinthians 9:24 (KJV): "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "경주할 때에 달리는 자들이 다 달릴지라도 한 사람이 상을 받는 줄을 너희가 알지 못하느냐? 너희도 상을 받도록 이와 같이 달리라."]


[Philippians 3:14 (KJV): "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그리스도 예수님 안에서 하나님의 높은 부르심의 상을 받으려고 푯대를 향해 밀고 나아가노라."]


[2 Timothy 2:5 (KJV): "And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "또 이기려고 애쓰는 자라도 규칙대로 하지 아니하면 관을 얻지 못하리라."]


[Hebrews 12:1 (KJV): "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us," (한글 흠정역 성경전서): "그러므로 이렇게 큰 구름 같은 증인들이 우리를 둘러싸고 있으니 모든 무거운 것과 너무 쉽게 우리를 얽어매는 죄를 떨쳐 버리고 인내로 우리 앞에 놓인 경주를 달리며"]




이상으로 믿는 자들을 위한 7가지 면류관에 대한 탐구를 마칩니다. 이 연구를 통해 우리는 하나님께서 신실한 믿음과 섬김에 대해 어떻게 보상하시는지 더 깊이 이해할 수 있었습니다.


각 면류관은 우리의 신앙 생활의 다양한 측면을 반영하며, 우리가 어떻게 살아가야 하는지에 대한 지침을 제공합니다. 이 가르침을 통해 우리의 신앙이 더욱 굳건해지고, 참된 기쁨과 소망가운데 하나님의 나라를 위해 더욱 열심히 일하게 되기를 바랍니다.



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Crowns in the Bible PART 4: THE 7 CROWNS FOR THE BELIEVER - YouTube




(00:01) all right good morning everybody i'm glad you're here today this is the day we've been waiting for amen the big reveal amen the crowns in the bible for us but before we get started we kind of need to do a little bit of review so turn in your bible to revelation chapter three that's where we'll begin but i went ahead and put up here what we've studied and this turned into a four-week study my goodness and it turned out really good though because we looked at the crowns in the bible on earth and this

(00:32) was part one and part two and the crowns on the earth i went ahead and wrote up here again just so you have them was your head your anatomy this is your crown the whorey head you know white hair your age your wife is a helper she's awesome she's a crown in the bible your heritage your home your honor and your highness an authority a king and so this was our first we looked at seven good crowns and so yeah you can have some crowns down here in this life except maybe this one i don't know any of us that are kings if you are royalty

(01:04) please let me know and let's uh let's go travel throughout europe and entourage and stuff or something but you're a little bit of royalty what amen so then we had the seven bad crowns and last week or no a week before last i said well some of these i put an f with and then you guys filled in the blanks because i didn't have all this i thought that was kind of cool the seven bad crowns are pride which is the crown of insolence profane crown which would be injustice then the crown of pain plunder impoverishing punishment

(01:37) afflicting remember those things that come out of the pit that inflict pain politics and the prince of darkness and you know what that just worked out perfectly that pride that's foolishness the profane that's fraud it had to do with you know how they're rigging the system and they really are pain well that's feeling plunder how do people plunder by force you know they threaten you they're extortioners the punishment that was a frenzy you told us that one marcus because you kind of those guys are in a frenzy going around

(02:03) stinging people then the politics you know how most politics start by foundations brought to you by the ford foundation brought to you by and all these foundations they're globalist foundations they really are and that that they're behind politics they're a word for that what do you call lobbyists a lot of the rich people lobby congress to get the laws in their favor don't they and then the prince of darkness you said he's a fool amen the devil's a fool so it's just kind of cool how everything

(02:30) just keeps falling in place and it's just i've enjoyed this study and because it's in the bible but also it's fun to kind of get a little homiletical outline it's just kind of fun so we looked at those those are the ones here on earth and now we're going to look at this side today and we're going to be looking at the crown's in heaven and last week we looked at the seven crowns that are in heaven but today we're gonna look at the seven crowns for a believer that we can get in heaven and

(02:59) a lot of people say there's only five well i'll get to that but uh here are the seven crowns we looked at last time the savior's resurrected body he literally has a crown on his head we who are the saints we go to heaven we'll be raptured we'll have a crown on our head but it'll be in our resurrected raptured body which would be way better our glorified body jesus christ is the sovereign king he's the ruler and he literally will have gold crowns on his head one passage says many crowns on his

(03:26) head then we have the solemn arc of repository the ark in heaven remember we in our very first study we saw that god told to make the ark and it has a crown on it and the ark is up in heaven special ones the royals the 24 elders they had some crowns but they literally took them off and threw them back at jesus feet what an amazing thing what are they saying they're saying we're not worthy he's worthy and really it's all about jesus then the church age saints that's us who are redeemed we will have some crowns so

(03:54) that's the seven crowns for the believer then the tribulation saints it looks like that if they're martyred if they're slaughtered if you will for jesus they might get a crown of a martyr's crown for resisting the antichrist and the mark of the beast and then i showed you how last week you know some people like i don't like that so you might can just lump the two together because we are the body of christ we're one with christ and then you could have your other number seven which was the stars in heaven remember

(04:22) revelation 12 there's some star in heaven and what is that it's a representation or it's a type or a symbol of something in the bible but laura pointed out at the end of the last weeks i don't know if you can see it online but she says but that's in the second heaven and you were talking about the third heaven so i go okay yeah so i'm not gonna do another message on seven crowns in the second heaven and then seven crowns in the first half now i can't that's too much we've gone far

(04:44) enough and in depth enough amen but it is interesting i just want to throw that out there because this woman she is got what a crown of stars on her head so she's in the bible too so i basically done everything i could to show you every time in the bible the word crown shows up but i still there's a lot more that i didn't get to give you but this has been an amazing and fun study for me doing this now how did we get here well we went to bible school several of us here went to the same bible school

(05:13) and we um were taught by probably one of the greatest bible teachers in the world that there's five crowns in the bible that you can get in service for the lord so if you serve the lord well there's some rewards you can have and uh for years it was five and i've looked all over the internet and there's other people that talk about the five crowns i think that was in larkin so i think he probably got that from clarence larkin but god always does everything in the number seven so we were talking about

(05:39) this and the thought was well shouldn't there be seven of them and i had heard somebody came up with seven but i don't know who that was you know hear things and i heard some other pbi grad came up with seven crowns and i looked and looked and looked couldn't find who he was or what it was so i'm going to go ahead and leave comments open on this video in case somebody else might have some some things to add or things like that because you know you don't have to teach this the way i do this is just what the

(06:03) lord showed me how i found it but i'm gonna put up here what i believe are the seven crowns i think i found seven in the bible and uh these might be the same seven as the other guy they may not i don't know like i said i didn't get to find out what he was saying but as i read the bible and i was looking for seven because god always does something with the number seven right so there's got to be seven these are the seven that i came up with now granted one or two of them some people might think is stretching it

(06:29) i don't i see just enough of a difference to where it could be two different ones but they do kind of sound like one or two might be the same okay but i do feel like there there's enough difference that we could say seven okay so this is not a dogmatical you've got to believe this exactly the way i say or you have to leave the church type of thing amen this is how churches get split you know if you don't believe it the way i said it then you can't be here no i'm not like that i'm like well this

(06:54) is the way i see it okay and like i said comments will be left open so if you see something different i love hearing from other people the bible says iron sharpener thyroid maybe i missed something maybe somebody can add something well that's cool so that's the way we should look at this is iron sharpening iron and i'm just i'm excited about giving this sermon i'm also a little disappointed thinking the rapture would have come and we could have talked about this in heaven instead but we're still here and god knows why

(07:18) and what we're here for is an opportunity to win some of these crowns so we're still here we can still win some so let's start in revelation chapter 3 and verse 11. revelation chapter 3 and verse 11 jesus says behold i come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown so what does the devil want he doesn't want you to get any crowns matter of fact it says no man there's some men out there that are evil that don't want you to get any crowns but god wants us to serve him and lay up

(07:49) treasures in heaven now i don't have time to go to all the verses that talk about rewards and treasures in heaven and and the judgment seat of christ and i think we've looked at that before and so we know some of those verses but at the rapture we go up we who are saved and up there is where we have the judgment seat of christ now we're not going to be judged for our sins the sins were judged here on the cross so it's not for your sins that were judged it's for your service what did you do for jesus okay my sins

(08:22) are under the blood they'll never be brought up again thank god for that so i'm not standing before him to give account of my sins because they are forgiven but i will give account for okay now that you were saved and i forgave your sins what did you do for me and it'll be like well lord i i tried i did this you know and hopefully i'll get some of these now i don't know if i want all seven of these because there's one that kind of makes it look like oh that one's for for somebody that gets killed

(08:48) for jesus i mean if if i have to die for jesus okay he died for me i willing to die for him amen but the rapture would be far better amen i'll be happy just getting six or even five or even four i mean just one would be great amen but these are the seven crowns in the bible so the first one let's go to first corinthians chapter nine and like i said i i read and studied and looked and this is what i came up with and this is the best i could do okay and so i hope it's a blessing to you this is in first corinthians chapter

(09:20) nine we're going to read verse 24 to 27 and we're going to call this and i have to abbreviate here the incorruptible crown right this is the incorruptible crown and what it looks like to me is that this is a crown of sanctification sanctification like living holy and if you do your best as a christian to live a holy life it looks like you get a crown for that i'm going to call this the moral crown the crown for being a moral person all right now let's look what it says there in first corinthians chapter 9 verse 24

(09:54) through 27 know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that you may obtain and every man that striveth for the mastery am i reading the right one here yeah okay that strivet for the mastery is temperant in all things now they do it to obtain a corruptable crown but we in incorruptable verse 26 so i therefore so run not as uncertainly shall fight i not as one that beateth the air so it has to do with fighting he says but then the context verse 27 but i keep my body and bring it unto subjection

(10:33) lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway now a lot of people say well that means you can lose it that's not what he's saying he's talking about his ministry he doesn't want to lose his ministry because if he goes and lives in sin well and does the jimmy swaggart thing who's going to listen to him right he's going to lose so being cast away his ministry is cast away because he's not preaching right so looking at this and looking at the context it sounds

(10:57) like it has to do with purity or sanctification and holiness and it's a crown you get for being moral and doing your best to live for the lord live a holy life so that's what it sounds like in the context okay it has to do with striving so striving to be holy are you a holy person holy means separated sanctified set apart and that's what god wants us to do he wants us to be holy which means he wants us to be set apart from the world you don't be worldly you be godly do you see the difference there

(11:30) are a lot of people in this world that claim to be christians and yet they're the most worldly people and they don't believe in living a holy life and being moral they're very immoral and they justify their sins don't they let's go to first peter chapter 1 verse 15 and 16. jesus says this this is something that's missing in many churches and a lot of churches don't preach what they should which is sanctification right when you're saved you should do your best to live for the lord and lay

(11:57) aside all those awful sins that you do there are a lot of sins that we did before we're saved that we shouldn't do after we're saved so after you're saved you should be like okay lord now what can i do for you what can i get out of my life that's wrong and that's what a lot of churches for is to come here and hear somebody preach what the bible says and i've heard people their testimonies i got saved and i went to church and it sounded like the preacher was coming home with me afterwards because

(12:21) he's preaching on all these things that i'm doing i'm how do you know i did that well because we all share the same common temptations and things like that but as you grow in the lord you're supposed to so oh wow that's a sin i shouldn't do that and as you grow the lord opal i'm doing that and i shouldn't and that's what church is for supposed to be to know what sin is and then hear it and say i'm sorry i want to do right and then you get that sin out of your life so what does it say

(12:45) here in first peter 1 15 and 6. you know a lot of churches aren't like that a lot of churches you go there and all they do is pat you on the back and make you feel good about yourself the bible says you should feel bad about your sin okay there's a difference first peter 1 15 i believe it is is that what i said first peter i'm in second peter no wonder first peter 1 15 and 16 the bible says this but as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be ye

(13:15) holy for i am holy so god wants us to live a holy life and i believe there's an incorruptible crown that god has laid up for those that are trying diligently to be holy now some christians they try for a little while and they go ah i'm done i'm doing the best i can and this is i'm just going to keep doing this sin because i can't stop you can stop and god wants you to stop and you know he's there to help you so you don't have to do sins i had a friend years ago he says when you're saved do your best to keep

(13:43) your sinning to a minimum and i always cringed every time i heard that he's basically saying don't sin a lot just a little and the bible says no quit sinning i mean do your best to there's another verse we might i think i have it written down here that talks about um you know that you're supposed to strive unto blood i mean you ought to love god more that you'd rather die than sin you ever thought about that he loved you enough he'd rather die than sin do you love him enough that you'd rather

(14:11) die than sin just a thought so let's look at the next one here let's go to 2nd timothy chapter 2. oh boy i'm going to meddling huh amen well i'm not trying to meddle in your life i'm just trying to help you because sin will never leave you any better than it found you i want you to know that sin every problem in this world started with sin and so sin is the problem and we need to fight sin and get that out of our lives second timothy chapter two and verse five and if a man also strived for masteries yet is he not crowned

(14:43) except he strive lawfully so here we have a crown for striving so this is interesting i don't know what to call this except the master's crown and it has to be something to do with being a master so this is the master's crown and it's a crown for striving striving to do something now i don't know it doesn't say the name of this crown does it except that it has to do in context with mastery it sounds like this is a crown of doing right or doing what's lawful see the context there let's look at the

(15:17) context verse 4 well actually back to verse 3 thou therefore endure hardness is a good soldier of jesus christ no man that woreh entangled himself in the affairs of this life that he may please him who had chosen him to be a soldier so i guess you could say this would be like a soldier's crown this would be the soldier's crown for striving to do what's right now that kind of sounds like this one doesn't it but it's one thing to do right it's another thing to strive to do right there's a little bit more sacrifice

(15:49) involved it sounds like i mean some people it's easy to do right the less sin you get involved with before you're saved the easier it is after you're saved than not sin but the more you sin the harder it gets so they kind of sound close but i think there's just enough i think this one has to do with fighting the flesh let's go over to romans chapter eight so like i said it's it was hard to get these seven and some of them almost sound like an overlap but there's a little bit of a

(16:16) difference right romans chapter eight so this one has to do with with fighting the flesh if we live holy we get a reward but you gotta strive to do that it almost sounds like there's another crown that comes because you went out of your way to sacrifice to do everything and you know what i'm saying um romans chapter 8 and verse 13.

(16:39) romans 8 13 says if we live after the flesh you shall die but if you through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body you shall live so this is kind of like crucifying the flesh you ever thought about that crucifying the flesh do you realize you can't crucify yourself you ever tried they nailed jesus to the cross didn't they all right well i want to be nailed to the cross i want to crucify myself so i take a nail and i take a hammer and i go boom boom boom and i go okay and then i'm like i can't get this other one in

(17:10) it's impossible to crucify yourself without help from who from jesus so you need to put him first and say lord i want to crucify this flesh but i need your help that's why he gives us the holy spirit to help us and what a blessing it is let's go to colossians chapter 3. so in our flesh we have desires and wants and there are some things that this flesh desires and it's one thing to just live holy outside around other people amen publicly but it's another thing when you're by yourself and are you crucifying the flesh that's

(17:47) the question so colossians 3 15. so my distinction is this one's in public this one's kind of in private maybe that's the difference colossians chapter 3 and verse 15. and let's see i wrote down the wrong verse the one that says mortify the deeds of the flesh which verse is that verse five so colossians three and verse five look what it says here colossians 3 5 says mortify therefore your members which are up on the earth fornication uncleanliness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness which is

(18:21) idolatry so the bible says hey we got to mortify the flesh and these are all things that the flesh wants to do do we give in to the flesh if we do we lose a crown so it's a fight it's a struggle that's why it's striving that's why it's hard and you're a soldier do you think a soldier's life is easy no we're supposed to be like a soldier for the lord and being a soldier is tough it's tough it's i i'll confess i love watching old world war ii movies i like world war ii i like

(18:50) collecting world war ii stuff but i can't watch those anymore a lot of them have bad stuff in it unfortunately i forgot and i'm just like wow but just the the idea of of a guy sitting out there in a foxhole with all these bombs just going off and going off and going off and just how nerve-wracking how that would drive you literally insane not knowing if the next second the one falls on your head and you're dead and then having to fight boy i tell you there's a lot that a person who's a soldier has to go through

(19:19) and a lot of it's psychological more than it is you know physical i mean i i got a story i'm thinking of but i better not say it i got to move on but uh it's it's interesting that it's more psychological in a lot of ways than it is physical so there's a lot to endure that you have to do to get this crown and this crown has to do with doing what's right doing lawfully the law was given to tell us what's right and what's wrong so master have you mastered this flesh yet to use it for the lord

(19:47) or is this flesh mastering you that's what it all boils down to you know the old saying that in your heart they say there's a throne and a chair if you're on the cross then he's in the throne but if you're on the throne then he's back on the cross you've heard that before it's kind of a weird illustration but it makes sense who's in control who's in charge of you so let's look at the next one the next one is what's called a crown of life and this one is found in the book of

(20:13) james and so let's go over to the book of james chapter 1 verse 12. james 1 12. now i believe james was written probably first in the bible and around probably just before the book of hebrews and i say that because james was killed in the book of acts and this book does not line up with paul at all so it sounds like this was probably one of the first books written in the new testament and it was written to the 12 tribes scattered abroad because the transition in the book of acts hasn't changed from the jews yet

(20:45) so if you look at it like that boy this book makes a lot of sense doesn't it and it says in verse 1 that it is to the 12 tribes scattered abroad but it is the early church so there is some doctrine in here that we can try to apply to the early church and he is saying certainly this in verse 12 blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which the lord hath promised to them that love him so this is the crown of life and it appears it's a crown that you get for suffering

(21:12) temptation so this is a crown you get for suffering temptation and i would call this the um a crown kind of a mental crown if you will it has to do with the mental anguish that you go through for the lord so have you suffered temptation have you ever been tempted i would say this one kind of has to do with love you know anybody can live a holy life you go to a monastery a bunch of monks trying to live holy are they even saved probably not this one i think kind of has to do with love there's all sorts of reasons why people

(21:48) do stuff one is for fear there's a lot of churches out there that teach you've got to do this or you'll go to hell and the people are scared to death and so they serve jesus out of fear are they saved but they're living holy and they're doing right but they're not saying so you've got to look at this through the eyes of a believer now that i'm saved i've got to deal with this maybe i'm doing good and i'm living holy and i'm keeping my flesh down not letting it do what it wants

(22:14) but boy the temptations still come and the real battle's starting here in the head so it's kind of a mental battle and so this is talking about somebody getting the crown of life for what for suffering temptation now let's go over to first corinthians chapter 10. first corinthians chapter 10 so how are you doing with that do you know the more you put in your head the more your head's going to think about there's a lot of people feeding their head full of garbage and that's just something the devil's going to bring

(22:42) back right in the day and time of of the apostles and of jesus and all there was pornography back then just as there is today it's nothing new pornography you know how many people look at pornography the more you put in here the more the devil can bring back so the best thing is don't put that in there right stay away from that garbage because that's just future temptation if you put that in your head and you don't need to put that in your head first corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13 there have no temptation taken you but

(23:12) such as is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it so temptation isn't a sin okay but it's what you do with that temptation if you give into that temptation then you sin when a temptation comes you should automatically block it out remember in the book of job what job said i have made a covenant with mine eyes that i will not think upon a maid he says i won't even look at it because that's

(23:42) where you start to get tempted when you look right so if you see it it just pops up you turn away click it off but when you start going i'll just click one more time oh one more click you're giving in to temptation there goes your crown do you want that crown you shouldn't be looking at that kind of stuff i had a friend one time he confessed this to me in in uh what's the word in the confessional booth no no and and uh what is it in in confidence right so i won't say his name or anything but he told me

(24:10) he said um i started looking at this stuff and then it one clicked into another click to another click he said i probably wasn't there 20 minutes and it says click here to see bestiality he said i threw that mouse across the room and i just said i was one click away from the most vile wicked sin and he said i just i don't want to look at this stuff he said man i ran from there but that's the rabbit hole if you start you never know where you end up and you could end up in some nasty nasty stuff and as a christian i don't want that

(24:40) stuff i want to stay away from that stuff because the world is way worse than you think yes sir i mean i just get glimpses of it sometimes just you be in the world you see i don't want to be in the world and see what they but the glimpse that i've seen is enough to know i don't want anything to do with what those people are doing they are doing things worse than what animals do it is disgusting what's going on in our world and a lot of it's taught in high school it's just you got to be careful you got

(25:06) to be careful god doesn't want that so this is a crown of life for suffering temptation now the next one is the crown of glory and this is called the crown of glory and this is for faithful servants servants who have been faithful and doing what the lord told them to do this is going to be found in first peter chapter 5.

(25:26) so let's go over to first peter chapter five and i want to call this the minister's crown this sounds more like it's for a pastor it sounds like it's more for someone who has surrendered to the calling amen did you hear what i said calling i don't think being a pastor or a missionary or evangelist or a deacon is is a job i believe it's a calling all right a lot of people they look at it as a job so they're just doing their job they're not following god it's not a job it's a calling and in

(25:57) first peter chapter 5 verse 1 through 4 it says this the elders now the elders would have been the pastors the elders which are among you i exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of christ and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed feed the flock of god which is among you taking the oversight thereof and it says not by constraint but willingly not for filthy luker but of a ready mind oh boy air condemns probably 90 of those that claim to be pastors in america and around the world verse 3

(26:28) neither as being lords over god's heritage but being its in samples examples to the flock and when the chief shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away so this is feeding the flock this is someone who's a pastor or a preacher or a bible teacher giving the word to the people and if he's a faithful servant and minister then he'll get a crown of glory so not everybody can get this crown but this seems like it's a crown more for those that are surrendered to the

(26:57) ministry to serve the lord and let's go to um some more verses on this let's go to first timothy chapter four and verse six i just preached a message i don't know did you see that brother the one on the shepherd where i dressed up like a shepherd shepherd's in the bible if you get a chance i did that this week and i'm talking about a shepherd and what a shepherd is he's a pastor a pastor is supposed to be like a shepherd well what's a shepherd do he takes care of the sheep watches after them cares about

(27:24) them first timothy chapter 4 and verse 6. the bible says this if thou put the brethren remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister of jesus christ nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine where unto thou hast attain so what is the minister supposed to do make you remember some things so you go to the book the bible give you god's words and say hey you remember he said this you remember that and that helps us to live holy and to strive against sin a lot of pastors don't do that

(27:53) a lot of churches you go on a sunday morning you'll hear a pastor get up and read one verse and then he'll give you a three-point hominidal outline talking about whatever probably give you five different little illustrations or stories and then smile real big and then he's done and you heard one verse our old pastor dr rutman used to say man you should have at least 50 verses in every sermon i'd rather hear what god has to say than what i have to say and i don't go to church to hear stories i can hear that

(28:24) outside of church i want you to tell me what does god say in the bible that's why i'm there i want to hear it from the word a lot of people out there that are not faithful ministers because they're not preaching the word are they sad sad let's look at some more titus 1 9 and that's the problem with america the shepherds aren't feeding the sheep we've got a bunch of anemic people anemic christians titus 1 9 holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught that he may be able by sound

(28:53) doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers so sound doctrine is what is so important titus 2 1. look what it says there but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine now let's turn back to second timothy 4 3 are they preaching sound doctrine in churches today no no a lot of churches they don't even give you doctrine you know what most churches do most churches nowadays that you go to it's not about hearing the preaching it's about the worship and the worship service is all they're

(29:22) about which is them singing and singing and singing and i'm they're literally there two hours just going i'm surprised they don't pass out and fall over they're swaying back and forth like a bunch of drunken staggering people you know and then the guy gets up and goes okay let's have a message and they have changed the term sermon to sermonette and it's usually 10 to 15 minutes long you go to many churches and that's what you hear they sing for two hours and then the guy talks for 15 minutes

(29:51) that's backwards right that's very backwards because the basis of fellowship should be the bible and the doctrine not that feel-good stuff right but that's what it's all about it's trying to get you to feel good you know why i figured it out if you feel good you give more in the offering don't you so i don't want to offend you by telling you too much from the bible but hey let's get them into this trance to where when we pass the bucket usually have you noticed in those churches it's a bucket

(30:16) it's not a little play they want you to fill the bucket and you and you're like throw everything in i mean they've got this thing down to where it's a cult it's a cult it's not about sound doctrine but the bible says sound doctrine did we read second timothy 4 3 2 timothy 4 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears that's the world we live in today but verse 2 says we're supposed to do this

(30:46) if we want this crown verse 2 says preach the word be incident season out of season reprove rebuke and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine so it's all about doctrine how important is doctrine so now let's go to the next one so this one here was more for ministers and if you claim to be a preacher and you're watching this shame on you shame on you if you're not devoting your time to preach the word and sound doctrine a lot of churches nowadays they're what's called ecumenical ecumenical means we get along with

(31:15) everybody we all want to get together the only way you can do that is throw out sound doctrine no i cannot throw out sound doctrine i have to make sure we stand on the right doctrine so we are not ecumenical we're going to stand on the doctrine of the truth well the next one is called the crown of righteousness the crown of righteousness and this one here is found in second timothy 4 8.

(31:44) so we're over here in second timothy 4 8 and look what it says in second timothy 4 8 henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing this is a crown that it says is given to paul but it seems like the reason that you get this crown is because you're seeking something what are you seeking you're seeking his appearing it sounds like it's a crown that you get because you can't wait

(32:16) what does that mean that means to muse do you know what the word muse means to muse is to think on something to amuse is to quit thinking like go to the amusement park you don't go there to hear doctrine and to learn you go there to stop thinking and go on a roller coaster you know a lot of so-called churches today they're on a roller coaster this is all they do all day in church i mean they're into amusing themselves not into musing upon the doctrine of the bible so let's go to titus 2 13 what does the

(32:48) bible say we're supposed to do this is for looking for the coming of christ if you're looking every day and waking up saying man lord today could be the day i want you to come you get a crown for loving his appearance is that amazing it says here in titus chapter 2 in verse 13 looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ so what a blessing here is a crown for seeking jesus's appearing now how do you do that if you don't believe in the rapture

(33:16) all the time people comment on my videos there are no such thing as rapture no sir no sir revelation 3 11 you're not going to take my crown i'm looking for it because it's in the bible and i'm going to let you steal it from me i'm looking for it you cannot have it if you want but i got one because i'm looking but there are people out there that just they don't have the right doctrine that's a sad thing so now let's go to first thessalonians chapter two first thessalonians chapter two

(33:42) i gotta hurry here and in first thessalonians 2 19 we see another crown this is called the crown of rejoicing crown of rejoicing and this crown here is interesting this crown is a crown it sounds like for soul winning if you win somebody to the lord you get this crown so you know what i want to call this i better take this and write it down so i say it right it's one of those big words i found in the dictionary meritorious okay this is a meritorious crown what is meritorious mean merit basically i could have just said

(34:23) merit that would have been easier but based upon what you do you get a reward that's called based on merit which by the way they don't like that they say no everybody gets a blue ribbon you know the world is so crazy but this is a crown that is based upon your merit if you win someone to jesus you get a reward you get a crown for winning someone but then it sounds like you get stones in your crown amen so imagine you win somebody to the lord and you get to heaven every stone it sounds like in your crown is somebody else that you

(34:56) want to jesus so this is in first thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 19. first thessalonians 2 19 for what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing are not even ye in the presence of our lord jesus christ that is coming for ye are glory and joy so it sounds like that people that you went to the lord can be stones in your crown and that's what the bible teaches so question have you ever won anybody to the lord have you ever won anybody to jesus christ let's go to zechariah real quick and i showed you this verse

(35:31) before not too long ago but it's good to look at it again zechariah 9 16. y'all like my crown amen feels good on my head i'm just going to leave that there zechariah 9 16. look what uh it says here and the lord their god shall save them in that day as the flock of his people for they shall be as the stones of a crown lifted up as an ensign upon the land so here's a crown and everybody you went to the lord there'll be a stone so isn't that interesting so that's something that you can have now have you

(36:03) ever won anybody to jesus christ ever a lot of christians haven't one of my favorite preachers is a black preacher in ocean springs mississippi brother charles mckinney and i've been there several times to hear him preach he's one of the best preachers i've ever heard in my life jesus christ baptist church what a great name for a church amen and he's got a great gospel track someday soon you'll stand before god wonderful gospel track that brother mckinney wrote and uh brother mckinney had a i guess it

(36:29) was revival one time and the the title of it or the theme was each one reach one and it was all about if you're saved take somebody to heaven with you you don't have to just get one you can get two or three or four or five but have you taken anyone with you i mean have you won anyone to jesus christ if you claim to be a christian i mean that's a really good question isn't it have you ever thought about why god doesn't take us to heaven the very second we get saved i wish you did what if the minute you

(36:58) could say it boom we go to heaven well you know why because then there'd be no more christians left because who would be going around telling people how to get saved nobody so that's why that doesn't happen so you're here for a reason what's the reason you're here to go tell somebody else how to get saved and then you can have one of these in heaven so that's the crown of the soul winner okay it's all coming together isn't it well all same letters and every wow it must be of god because it's a

(37:22) homiletical outlet no no it's just one of those things it's just neat how the lord put that together for me but the last one here is going to be over in revelation chapter 2. and we kind of mentioned this last week a little bit and i kind of jump dispensations a little bit i'll try not to do that today but i'm going to call this the crown of the slaughtered this is what we'll call a martyr's crown this is a crown of those who die for jesus so if you die for jesus if you are slaughtered for your faith in christ

(38:00) if you're a martyr this would be a martyr's crown that it looks like you get now last time i think it was or maybe it was the time before i talked about how it sounded like this passage could apply to the tribulation as well and i hypothesized i'll say it that way i just guessed that i wonder if those that are left behind that do come to jesus and do have their heads cut off i wonder if they get a reward in heaven and it's a crown for a martyr i just be curious to know if god gives them a martyr's crown even though it's a

(38:30) different dispensation but here we are in revelation chapter 2 and verse 11 and look what it says here revelation 2 10 excuse me revelation 2 10. i said it i got revelation 12 11 to go to next so sorry about that revelation 2 10 fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried and ye shall have tribulation 10 days so i think this has an application to the tribulation too but also i think it can apply to the church age also be thou faithful unto

(39:01) death and i will give thee a crown of life so this is called the crown of life let me write that up here and it's a crown for those that die for jesus so this is another crown of life so a lot of people say well then so it's the same as that one well it sounds kind of like it might be a little different it could be two different ones with the same name but this is called the crown of life and it sounds like it's a crown for those who died for jesus and were slaughtered now let's go to revelation 12 11 and

(39:29) look at it revelation 12 11 and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto the death so this is one where they don't love their lives they'd rather give their life so this one sounds like that you have to give your life you give your life literally for jesus in death okay that's a little bit different than this crown of life in which you give your life to the lord in the sense that you're living for him daily you're dying daily this one's you die on a certain

(40:05) day you so you see one is more physical one's more spiritual so i can i think i can make a distinction in two different ones so i kind of feel like we've got seven crowns here in the bible that a christian can get but i don't want that one do you but this one is all right i want to live holy i want to live for the lord so i do my best as a christian to live holy and you know what i live more holy when i'm outside of the house than when i'm in the house because that's how we are isn't it when we're out in public we try

(40:33) to put on this persona of i'm such a good christian but are you well if you want to find out ask your wife she's with you every day she'll tell you right so that one seems like one that's this you know how public people see you this one's more hmm now how are you are you trained right a soldier has to have training and then he has to try to master that training you know there's good soldiers and bad soldiers the bad ones get killed first unfortunately the good ones they you know they go along for a little while so

(41:04) this one is one for striving and it's a master's crown this one here is more of a mental thing it's getting rid of temptation suffering temptations overcoming i want to think about fasting and things like that too that might go along with this so some people might look at this say no they're still five you just split some or whatever that's fine this is just the way that i came up with seven and thought about man it kind of makes sense yes some kind of feel like they overlap but some of them the motive is

(41:34) love more than other things there's the crown of glory which is more for a minister the crown of looking for his appearing and loving his appearing wanting him to come back crown of rejoicing and the crown of martyrs crown so there it is i've been looking forward to get this out here it only took us four weeks right but we finally got it and that's where i come off the the seven crowns for the believer and like i said you don't have to see it this way i'd love to see if you leave comments or something like that if you

(42:04) think well i think these two are the same and here's another one i'd love because i'm running out of the word crown in the bible remember there's only so many times that that word shows up uh 85 times in 85 verses remember the word crown singular 66 times in 66 verses i find that so amazing 66 books of the bible so we're done uh anyone have a question or a comment i'd love to hear it on something like this you all understand it go ahead what's your question number two being the soldier striving

(42:40) that's having your full armor that's part of putting on the armor of the lord i'm glad you said that too i was just the thought just struck me as you said that is uh prayer warriors you know maybe that has to do with praying and what is your prayer life like maybe the lord gives you a crown because you're a prayer warrior because the warrior that's a soldier so there's a lot more to this than i could get together amen and i'm sure in heaven we'll understand it more by and by but a good one good one put on the armor

(43:09) of the lord yeah as a soldier and that's what you're going to be preaching on today is being a soldier of the lord so how about that how it all ties together another one another question or go ahead brother what about seed sower where would that fit in well sowing the seed planting a seed is part of soul winning so that's a part of it so it's being like a farmer you plant the seed and then apollos watered and god gives the increase so one thing is plant a seed another thing is the water i forget

(43:34) where that is it's in corinthians where it talks about that so if you're passing out tracts you're planting a seed that might tender the heart of someone that the next guy comes along wins them to the lord i think god remembers that and you have a part in that so you may not have won them but you planted the seed and god goes well if i hadn't been for this guy so it all ties in together so that's why we put tracks in the back there to hand out to people and i've heard people get saved by

(43:56) gospel tracks a friend of mine um in honduras he was a missionary from mexico to honduras he got saved reading a track he found it on the ground in a park and he was drunk and he stumbled through and he saw it on the ground picked it up put in his pocket read it later and got saved wow what a great testimony so you know you never know what the lord can do if you're just step out by faith and do something witness pass out tracts talk to people the best thing is to have your bible and show them the verses preach on the street

(44:27) corner amen now there's a right way to preach on the street corner wrong way all right you don't stand out there and call all the women bunch of like some guys do i hate that that's just driving them away you just preach the scripture and if you preach what the bible says then you did right amen and they need to hear and you need to plant that seed in their heart so amen yes sir brother first corinthians 3 6.

(44:49) first corinthians said let's go ahead and read it first corinthians chapter three verse six this is in the spanish bible by the way the spanish bible is called the reign of valera bible cassio dorado de reina cipriano de valera and one did it in 1569 the other one he did a lot of work on it editing it in 1602 he printed it and in the front he put a picture of one guy going like this with water and another guy planting a seed he said i'm not taking all the glory for this work this guy did it all i did was i was the editor i went through and he

(45:18) said so it's like both of us work together in the symbolism and everything first corinthians chapter 3 and where exactly is it brother verse 6. well let's back up there verse 5. who then is paul and who is apollos but ministers by whom you believed even as the lord gave to every man i have planted apollos watered but god gave the increase so then neither is he that planteth anything neither he that watereth but god that giveth the increase now he that planteth and he that watereth are one and every man

(45:49) shall receive his own reward according to his own labor so it sounds like if you're passing out tracks and planting seeds you're going to get some rewards for we are laborers together with god you are god's husbandry your god's building so what a blessing what a good passage of scripture all right anybody else all right well it took us four weeks to get through but i just felt like it was wow wonderful and i'm glad to have the opportunity to do this i hope it goes out all over the internet and people

(46:18) will will teach on this as well what an interesting interesting study all right we'll take a break there thank you god bless you