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유튜브 Shorts 아이디어에서 출시까지

esmile1 2024. 6. 25. 05:03

Certainly! Here's a step-by-step guide using prompts that can help you create YouTube Shorts automatically with the assistance of an AI like ChatGPT:

1. **Topic Brainstorming:**
   "Generate a list of 10 popular topics for YouTube Shorts in the [insert genre] genre."

2. **Trend Analysis:**
   "What are the current trending hashtags and topics on YouTube Shorts for [insert genre]?"

3. **Title Creation:**
   "Create catchy titles for YouTube Shorts that include the following keywords: [insert keywords]."

4. **Script Writing:**
   "Write a short script for a YouTube Short about [insert topic] that includes a hook, body, and call-to-action."

5. **Thumbnail Design:**
   "Suggest five thumbnail ideas that would stand out for a YouTube Short on [insert topic]."

6. **Description and Tags:**
   "Draft a compelling description and list of tags for a YouTube Short titled [insert title]."

7. **Engagement Strategies:**
   "List five ways to increase viewer engagement in a YouTube Short about [insert topic]."

8. **Monetization Ideas:**
   "What are some effective strategies for monetizing YouTube Shorts focused on [insert niche]?"

9. **Content Series Development:**
   "Propose a series of YouTube Shorts that could be released weekly on [insert theme]."

10. **Performance Review:**
    "How can I analyze the performance of my YouTube Shorts to improve future content?"

By following these prompts in order, you can systematically create content for YouTube Shorts, from the initial brainstorming phase to analyzing the performance of your videos. Remember to tailor each prompt to your specific niche or genre to get the most relevant and effective results. Good luck with your content creation! 🎬✨