
오늘의 단상_예수님과 사도바올

esmile1 2024. 9. 30. 06:06


오늘은 성경에서 예수님과 사도 바울의 역할에 대해 깊이 있게 살펴보고자 합니다. 현대 기독교에서 종종 간과되는 이 중요한 주제를 통해, 우리는 하나님의 말씀을 올바르게 이해하고 적용할 수 있는 통찰력을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 생각합니다.


< 성경 구절 요약 >


모든 성경은 하나님의 영감으로 쓰여졌습니다. (디모데후서 3:16)

하나님의 말씀은 영원히 서 있습니다. (이사야 40:8)

예수님은 주로 유대인들에게 사역하셨습니다. (마태복음 15:24)

바울은 이방인들을 위한 사도로 부름받았습니다. (로마서 11:13)

예수님은 하나님이 육신으로 나타나신 분입니다. (디모데전서 3:16)

구원은 오직 예수 그리스도를 통해서만 옵니다. (사도행전 4:12)

바울은 그리스도의 복음을 전파하라는 사명을 받았습니다. (디도서 1:1-3)

복음의 핵심은 그리스도의 죽음, 장사, 부활입니다. (고린도전서 15:1-4)

성경을 올바르게 해석해야 합니다. (디모데후서 2:15)

거짓 교사들을 조심해야 합니다. (베드로후서 2:1)


1. Introduction to the Message


[2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV): "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." "너는 말씀을 전파하라 때를 얻든지 못 얻든지 항상 힘쓰라 범사에 오래 참음과 가르침으로 경책하며 경계하며 권하라"]


[Romans 10:15 (KJV): "And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" "보내심을 받지 아니하였으면 어찌 전파하리요 기록된 바 아름답도다 좋은 소식을 전하는 자들의 발이여 함과 같으니라"]


[1 Corinthians 1:17 (KJV): "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." "그리스도께서 나를 보내심은 세례를 베풀게 하려 하심이 아니요 오직 복음을 전하게 하려 하심이니 말의 지혜로 하지 아니함은 그리스도의 십자가가 헛되지 않게 하려 함이라"]


[Acts 20:24 (KJV): "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." "내가 달려갈 길과 주 예수께 받은 사명 곧 하나님의 은혜의 복음을 증언하는 일을 마치려 함에는 나의 생명조차 조금도 귀한 것으로 여기지 아니하노라"]


2. Modern Christianity's Perspective


[2 Timothy 4:3-4 (KJV): "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." "때가 이르리니 사람이 바른 교훈을 받지 아니하며 귀가 가려워서 자기의 사욕을 좇을 스승을 많이 두고 또 그 귀를 진리에서 돌이켜 허탄한 이야기를 따르리라"]


[Colossians 2:8 (KJV): "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." "누가 철학과 헛된 속임수로 너희를 사로잡을까 주의하라 이것이 사람의 전통과 세상의 초등학문을 따름이요 그리스도를 따름이 아니니라"]


[Matthew 15:9 (KJV): "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." "사람의 계명으로 교훈을 삼아 가르치니 나를 헛되이 경배하는도다 하였느니라"]


[Galatians 1:6-7 (KJV): "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ." "그리스도의 은혜로 너희를 부르신 이를 이같이 속히 떠나 다른 복음을 따르는 것을 내가 이상히 여기노라 다른 복음은 없나니 다만 어떤 사람들이 너희를 교란하여 그리스도의 복음을 변하게 하려 함이라"]


3. The Role of the Apostle Paul


[Romans 11:13 (KJV): "For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:" "내가 이방인인 너희에게 말하노라 내가 이방인의 사도인 만큼 내 직분을 영광스럽게 여기노니"]


[1 Corinthians 15:9-10 (KJV): "For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me." "나는 사도 중에 가장 작은 자라 나는 하나님의 교회를 핍박하였으므로 사도라 칭함 받기를 감당하지 못할 자니라 그러나 하나님의 은혜로 내가 되었으니 내게 주신 그의 은혜가 헛되지 아니하여 내가 모든 사도보다 더 많이 수고하였으나 내가 아니요 오직 나와 함께 하신 하나님의 은혜로라"]


[Ephesians 3:8 (KJV): "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;" "모든 성도 중에 지극히 작은 자보다 더 작은 나에게 이 은혜를 주신 것은 측량할 수 없는 그리스도의 풍성함을 이방인에게 전하게 하시고"]


[Galatians 2:7-8 (KJV): "But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)" "도리어 내가 무할례자에게 복음을 전하는 것을 맡은 것이 베드로가 할례자에게 맡음과 같다는 것을 알고 베드로에게 역사하사 그를 할례자의 사도로 삼으신 이가 또한 내게 역사하사 나를 이방인의 사도로 삼으셨느니라"]


4. Scriptural Foundation


[2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV): "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." "너는 진리의 말씀을 옳게 분별하며 부끄러울 것이 없는 일꾼으로 인정된 자로 자신을 하나님 앞에 드리기를 힘쓰라"]


[2 Peter 1:20-21 (KJV): "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." "먼저 알 것은 성경의 모든 예언은 사사로이 풀 것이 아니니 예언은 언제든지 사람의 뜻으로 낸 것이 아니요 오직 성령의 감동하심을 받은 사람들이 하나님께 받아 말한 것임이니라"]


[Psalm 119:160 (KJV): "Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." "주의 말씀의 강령은 진리이오니 주의 의로운 모든 규례가 영원하리이다"]


[Isaiah 40:8 (KJV): "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." "풀은 마르고 꽃은 시드나 우리 하나님의 말씀은 영원히 서리라 하라"]


5. Jesus' Ministry Focus


[Matthew 15:24 (KJV): "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." "예수께서 대답하여 이르시되 나는 이스라엘 집의 잃어버린 양 외에는 다른 데로 보내심을 받지 아니하였노라 하시니"]


[John 1:11 (KJV): "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." "자기 땅에 오매 자기 백성이 영접하지 아니하였으나"]


[Romans 15:8 (KJV): "Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:" "내가 말하노니 그리스도께서 하나님의 진실하심을 위하여 할례의 추종자가 되셨으니 이는 조상들에게 주신 약속들을 견고하게 하시고"]


[Acts 3:25-26 (KJV): "Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities." "너희는 선지자들의 자손이요 또 하나님이 너희 조상과 더불어 세우신 언약의 자손이라 아브라함에게 이르시기를 땅 위의 모든 족속이 너의 씨로 말미암아 복을 받으리라 하셨으니 하나님이 그 종을 세워 복 주시려고 너희에게 먼저 보내사 너희로 하여금 돌이켜 각각 그 악함을 버리게 하셨느니라"]


6. Historical Context


[Acts 11:26 (KJV): "And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." "만나매 안디옥에 데려오니라 둘이 교회에 일 년간 모여 있어 큰 무리를 가르쳤고 제자들이 안디옥에서 비로소 그리스도인이라 일컬음을 받게 되었더라"]


[Acts 24:5 (KJV): "For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes:" "우리가 보니 이 사람은 전염병 같은 자라 천하에 흩어진 유대인을 다 소요하게 하는 자요 나사렛 이단의 우두머리라"]


[1 Corinthians 1:12-13 (KJV): "Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?" "내가 이것을 말함은 너희가 각각 이르되 나는 바울에게, 나는 아볼로에게, 나는 게바에게, 나는 그리스도에게 속한 자라 한다는 것이라 그리스도께서 어찌 나뉘었느냐 바울이 너희를 위하여 십자가에 못 박혔으며 바울의 이름으로 너희가 세례를 받았느냐"]


[Galatians 1:13-14 (KJV): "For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers." "내가 이전에 유대교에 있을 때에 행한 일을 너희가 들었거니와 하나님의 교회를 심히 박해하여 멸하고 내가 내 동족 중 여러 연갑자보다 유대교를 지나치게 믿어 내 조상의 전통에 대하여 더욱 열심이 있었으나"]


7. Understanding Salvation


[Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV): "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." "너희는 그 은혜에 의하여 믿음으로 말미암아 구원을 받았으니 이것은 너희에게서 난 것이 아니요 하나님의 선물이라 행위에서 난 것이 아니니 이는 누구든지 자랑하지 못하게 함이라"]


[Romans 3:23-24 (KJV): "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:" "모든 사람이 죄를 범하였으매 하나님의 영광에 이르지 못하더니 그리스도 예수 안에 있는 속량으로 말미암아 하나님의 은혜로 값 없이 의롭다 하심을 얻은 자 되었느니라"]


[Acts 4:12 (KJV): "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." "다른 이로써는 구원을 받을 수 없나니 천하 사람 중에 구원을 받을 만한 다른 이름을 우리에게 주신 일이 없음이라 하였더라"]


[John 3:16 (KJV): "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 그를 믿는 자마다 멸망하지 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이라"]


8. The Mystery of Godliness


[1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV): "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." "크도다 경건의 비밀이여, 그렇지 않다 하는 이 없도다 그는 육신으로 나타난 바 되시고 영으로 의롭다 하심을 받으시고 천사들에게 보이시고 만국에서 전파되시고 세상에서 믿은 바 되시고 영광 가운데서 올려지셨음이니라"]


[Colossians 1:26-27 (KJV): "Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:" "이 비밀은 만세와 만대로부터 감추어졌던 것인데 이제는 그의 성도들에게 나타났고 하나님이 그들로 하여금 이 비밀의 영광이 이방인 가운데 얼마나 풍성한지를 알게 하려 하심이라 이 비밀은 너희 안에 계신 그리스도시니 곧 영광의 소망이니라"]


[Ephesians 3:3-4 (KJV): "How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)" "곧 계시로 내게 비밀을 알게 하신 것은 내가 먼저 간단히 기록한 것과 같으니 그것을 읽으면 내가 그리스도의 비밀을 깨달은 것을 너희가 알 수 있으리라"]


[Romans 16:25 (KJV): "Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began," "나의 복음과 예수 그리스도를 전파함은 영세 전부터 감추어졌다가"]


9. God's Plan for Israel


[Romans 11:1-2 (KJV): "I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew." "그러므로 내가 말하노니 하나님이 자기 백성을 버리셨느냐 그럴 수 없느니라 나도 이스라엘인이요 아브라함의 씨에서 난 자요 베냐민 지파라 하나님이 그 미리 아신 자기 백성을 버리지 아니하셨나니"]


[Jeremiah 31:35-36 (KJV): "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever." "여호와께서 이와 같이 말씀하시니라 그는 해를 낮의 빛으로 주셨고 달과 별들을 밤의 빛으로 정하였고 바다를 격동시켜 그 파도로 소리치게 하나니 그의 이름은 만군의 여호와시니라 이 법도가 내 앞에서 폐할진대 이스라엘 자손도 내 앞에서 끊어져 영원히 나라가 되지 못하리라 여호와의 말씀이니라"]


[Ezekiel 37:21-22 (KJV): "And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:" "그들에게 이르기를 주 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시기를 내가 이스라엘 자손을 그 간 바 여러 나라에서 취하며 그 사면에서 모아 그 고국 땅으로 돌아가게 하고 그 땅 이스라엘 모든 산에서 그들로 한 나라를 이루어서 한 임금이 모두 다스리게 하리니 그들이 다시는 두 민족이 되지 아니하며 두 나라로 나누이지 아니할지라"]


[Zechariah 12:10 (KJV): "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." "내가 다윗의 집과 예루살렘 주민에게 은총과 간구하는 심령을 부어 주리니 그들이 그 찌른 바 그를 바라보고 그를 위하여 애통하기를 독자를 위하여 애통하듯 하며 그를 위하여 통곡하기를 장자를 위하여 통곡하듯 하리로다"]


10. The Gospel According to Paul


[1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV): "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" "형제들아 내가 너희에게 전한 복음을 너희에게 알게 하노니 이는 너희가 받은 것이요 또 그 가운데 선 것이라 너희가 만일 내가 전한 그 말을 굳게 지키고 헛되이 믿지 아니하였으면 그로 말미암아 구원을 받으리라 내가 받은 것을 먼저 너희에게 전하였노니 이는 성경대로 그리스도께서 우리 죄를 위하여 죽으시고 장사 지낸 바 되셨다가 성경대로 사흘 만에 다시 살아나사"]


[Romans 1:16 (KJV): "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." "내가 복음을 부끄러워하지 아니하노니 이 복음은 모든 믿는 자에게 구원을 주시는 하나님의 능력이 됨이라 첫째는 유대인에게요 또한 헬라인에게로다"]


[Galatians 1:11-12 (KJV): "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." "형제들아 내가 너희에게 알게 하노니 내가 전한 복음은 사람의 뜻을 따라 된 것이 아니니라 이는 내가 사람에게서 받은 것도 아니요 배운 것도 아니요 오직 예수 그리스도의 계시로 말미암은 것이라"]


[Ephesians 3:8-9 (KJV): "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:" "모든 성도 중에 지극히 작은 자보다 더 작은 나에게 이 은혜를 주신 것은 측량할 수 없는 그리스도의 풍성함을 이방인에게 전하게 하시고 영원부터 만물을 창조하신 하나님 속에 감추어졌던 비밀의 경륜이 어떠한 것을 드러내게 하려 하심이라"]




이상의 구절들을 통해 우리는 예수님과 바울의 가르침이 서로 다르다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. " 너희는 그 은혜에 의하여 믿음으로 말미암아 구원을 받았으니 이것은 너희에게서 난 것이 아니요 하나님의 선물이라 행위에서 난 것이 아니니 이는 누구든지 자랑하지 못하게 함이라 " 하신 말씀은 바올에게 계시로 알게하시기 전까지는 비밀로 간직되었던 것입니다. 예수님은 구약에 예언되었던 메시야로서 하나님의 계획을 완성하셨고, 바울은 그 은혜복음을 이방인들에게 전하는 사명을 받았습니다. "이 비밀은 만세와 만대로부터 감추어졌던 것인데 이제는 그의 성도들에게 나타났고 하나님이 그들로 하여금 이 비밀의 영광이 이방인 가운데 얼마나 풍성한지를 알게 하려 하심이라 이 비밀은 너희 안에 계신 그리스도시니 곧 영광의 소망이니라".


성경을 올바르게 해석하고 거짓 가르침을 분별하는 것이 중요하며, 항상 하나님의 말씀을 바르게 나누어 하나님앞에 부끄럼없이 설 수 있도록 공부해야 합니다.




< 자료원 >


hello Robert breaker here and welcome back to the cloud church and today's message has to be by far Bar None the most important message that I've ever preached in my entire Ministry and it's something that I've noticed in my time in the ministry what 20 some years as a preacher I've noticed that modern Christianity Today has gotten away from this subject it's like they run from it and of course the subject we will be dealing with today is Jesus versus Paul you see a lot of people today they sayI'm a Christian I'm a follower of Jesus and I say amen I follow Jesus too but then you start to talk about the Apostle Paul and they say no no no no no we don't want him you see modern Christianity today either doesn't understand the Apostle Paul and why he's in the Bible or they willfully ignore him and want nothing to do with him many people today who claim to be Christians are so shallow when they read the all they read is Matthew Mark Luke and John and maybe they'll start the book of Actsbut then they don't finish it and so they take all their Doctrine and they base all their Doctrine on Matthew Mark Luke John and a couple of chapters of Acts and because of that their Doctrine is wrong you see what what they don't what the Bible commands rightly divide let me start with that verse and then I'll get into this message 2 Timothy 21:15 says study to show thyself approved unto God a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth so there's a command in the Bible which by the way only the KingJames Bible has the word study all the other perversions take that word out and change it to something else why wouldn't they want you to study the word of God I don't understand we're supposed to and it says study to show thyself approved unto God workmen that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth what I want to do today is rightly divide the word of Truth so that we be not ashamed and I want to study the scriptures and what I want to do is focus in on this guy named Paul and whyhe's in the Bible I get emails all the time from people that tell me you're wrong Mr breaker because you're you're preaching Paul and Paul shouldn't be in the Bible we follow Jesus we don't follow Paul why do they say such a thing well I understand they they want to exalt Jesus and that's wonderful because Jesus is God as we'll see through this message he's the Savior as we'll see in a little bit but why do they reject the Apostle Paul I even had a guy one time tell methat the Apostle Paul is a liar and a deceiver and he weasel his way into the Bible and he shouldn't be there so did God Inspire his holy word but then allow a guy to put his books in that shouldn't be there that doesn't make sense well if you know I hope you know there are 66 books in the Bible in the Old Testament there are 39 books and in the New Testament there are 27 now watch this with me Paul wrote 14 books so Paul wrote 14 books in the entire Bible 14 books out of 66 books in the entire Bible That's21% Paul wrote 21% of the entire Bible now if you say you can't have Paul in the Bible he shouldn't be there let's wrong then you're trying to take away one fif of my Bible and tell me not to read it how weird well if you take the New Testament 14 books of Paul and take 27 out of the books that comes to 51.8 I'm going to round up okay 52% 52% of the New Testament 14 books out of 27 52% of the New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul and now you're going to tell me mister I don't know who you are you know who you are that's sending me those emails that we shouldn't read Paul and that Paul shouldn't be in the Bible and he's the bad guy I just find that so interesting why why do you have this hatred for the Apostle Paul that you want to just rip him out of the Bible and say he shouldn't be there why when we do that we're ripping out 21% of theBible if we steal Paul and say no he's not for today then we're taking out 52% of the New Testament and saying no we don't want that that's the problem that's a problem and you know what I was thinking about this earlier today I'll go ahead and write this up here if you have 66 books of the Bible and you take away 14 of them guess how many you're ended up with you're ended up with 52 books 52 / 4 is 13 13 is not a very good number for some reason now if you take these 27 books of the New Testament andtake them out guess what you're left with 13 do you know what 13 time 39 divided by uh 3 is 13 there's a lot of 13s in the Bible Well the Old Testament because 13 is a number of a curse you're cursed when it comes to the number 13 well the Bible says that the Old Testament cursed are they that are under the law or cursed are they that continueth not in all things of the law so I can see while the Old Testament adds up to a 13 to a number of a curse but there's no curse in the New Testament unless you take Paul out somaybe you're a cursed if you try to steal Paul from the Bible now I've got a lot of stuff that I need to teach you today I I want to leave this up here but I'm not going to have enough room but I think that's just interesting why do people want to take the Apostle Paul out of the Bible well as you'll see here in a minute the reason they want to and the people that want to do this they are the deceivers they are the Liars they are the ones that are trying to uh change the word of God and try to take out ofit what God has put in it so what I'm going to do today I'm just going to give you as much Bible as I can to prove to to you who the Apostle Paul is and why he is in the Bible and Beyond any shadow of a doubt we'll put to rest this argument of Paul shouldn't be in the Bible and Paul is a liar and Paul is a is a man who just snuck in and took over Christianity and tried to pervert it no we're going to prove from the word of God who Paul is why he's in the Bible and what he what it's all about why Paul why is Paul inthe scriptures so over here we have the law of Moses all right let me just real quickly write all this up here and then we're going to go to the scriptures and look at the verses over here during the law of the Moses uh we have Jesus's Ministry so we're going to look a little bit about Jesus today over here you have Peter and the early Apostles and then all of a sudden everything changes to Paul as you go through the book of Acts this of course is the church age and I hope you know your Bible I hope you understanddispensations a lot of people today that say well I don't believe in dispensations well you don't rightly divide the word of truth without understanding that there are different time periods we're going to look at that today too I'm going to show you some verses that talk about dispensations this is the day and age of Grace where we're saved by grace through faith without works this of course would be the Rapture then over here is the Tribulation period then this over here is what we call themillennial Kingdom which Jesus Will Rule and Reign for a thousand years I'll abbreviate that first man of course was Adam way after Adam was a guy named Abraham God Called to bring forth the Jewish Nation now we have the whole Bible laid out up here now we're going to go through the scriptures and look at some things and I just believe this is so important and I hope like I said that this will be a blessing to you because almost all churches nowadays almost all of them have this teaching wrong I'veknown people that were methodists and they're very strong against Paul and they say no we follow Jesus we don't follow Paul I've known other denominations that say no no no we have nothing to do with Paul or Jesus we're under the law the Seventh Day Adventist I believe they call themselves some of them claim to follow Jesus but many of them reject what Jesus did on the cross and believe they can be saved by the law so you have all these different denominations in Christianity Today are they right well it all hinges on what dothey do with Paul that determines whether or not they have their Doctrine straight according to the word of God so go with me and let's go ahead and look at Romans chap 15 and verse 8 one thing we have to realize is that all the Bible is written for us to read we're supposed to read the entire Bible but not all of the Bible applies to us in this age today you see that Old Testament law was just that it was the Old Testament but the Bible says where the death of a testator is well that begins a new testament so the NewTestament is all about Jesus who died on the cross and shed his blood and it's all about coming to Jesus for salvation and we're not saved by the law were saved by grace so you have to see that's the first division in the Bible right the dividing the division between the Old Testament and the New Testament so here we go let's go to Romans chapter 15 and it's just so amazing chapter 15 of Romans I don't know if you could see this that far away but in my Bible it's so neat because on one side over here itsays Jesus was this and then right across the page right there it says now Paul was this and so in Romans chapter 15 we see I guess we could call it a contrast between Paul and Jesus and it tells us here what Jesus ministry was all about and over here it tells us about Paul's Ministry and what it was all about and we're going to go through and explain this to the best of my ability hopefully so you can see the difference between Paul and Jesus and why Paul is in the Bible so verse 8 Romans 158 says now I say that JesusChrist was a minister the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto the fathers so right off the bat it tells us that Jesus Christ was a minister to the circumcision now under the law of Moses you had to be circumcised circumcision then was the people under the law so Jesus Christ was a minister to the circumcision to make the promises to the fathers what were the promises to the fathers and who are the fathers well they are Jewish fathers see Jesus was a Jew so all this was all aboutJews and Jesus was a Jew who came to Jews and we're going to look at that so there's verse eight I'll read it again now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister so Jesus is Ministry of the circumcision he Jesus circumcised going to the circumcision going to Jews for the truth of God to confirm the promise promises made unto the fathers so that was Jesus ministry a Jew coming to Jews circumcision he was to the circumcision he was to the Jews he was a minister of the circumcision now we go to verse 16 Romans 1516 tells us thecontrast Jesus was to the circumcision Paul over here was to whom verse 16 Paul says that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles ministering the gospel of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable being Sanctified by the Holy Ghost so Paul is saying I was more to the Gentiles and his ministry was more now I'm not going to say only because as there are some people out there that are preach Peter only went to Jews and Paul only went to Gentiles that's bunk that'sa lie Peter went to Jews but he also went to Cornelius a gentile Paul was a a missionary to gentiles but at times he would go first to anywhere he went the first place he'd go was to the Tabernacle because he loved his nation of Israel wanted to see them saved too so you can't say Peter only to Jews and Paul only to Gentiles no they went to both but as we'll see in a minute Peter was more to Jews and Paul was more to Gentiles it'd be like today calling someone a missionary and someone so say well I'm a missionary to toFrance okay well that doesn't mean he can't in America when people to the Lord here right so he might be going to a certain group or certain people but just because that was his office if you will of a missionary to a certain people didn't mean there was other people he couldn't preach the gospel to as well so we would call today if they live today Peter was a missionary to Jews and Paul was a missionary to Gentiles but he preached to Gentiles a couple times he preached to Jews as well so it'simportant to understand so according to chapter 15 romans: 16 Paul is very dogmatic he tells us that he was the minister of Jesus to the Genesis so Paul's Ministry was to minister to Gentiles what was he ministering we're going to see in a minute he was preaching the gospel that's what his job was that's what his reason for being was that's why he's in the Bible so we have Jesus a Jew going to Jews we have Paul a Jew being called by God to be a minister to the Gentiles but Paul was also to the Jewsbut very seldom in the ministry of Jesus does he ever go to a gentile there was one time when a gentile woman comes to Jesus and he called her a dog he said it's not meat to throw crumbs under the table to the dogs as she says yay Lord but uh you know even the dogs lick the crumbs and Jesus said all right all right she's healed go away and God healed the daughter of that woman but there was a reason why didn't Jesus come to Gentiles in his ministry why was that we'll get to that in a minute so let'slook first at Jesus then let's look at Paul and let's understand if we can why Paul is in the Bible like I told you earlier there's so many people today that are turning against Paul and it's so odd because the early church 100 years after Jesus 200 years after Jesus the early Church the true Christians guess what they call themselves policians followers of Paul why would there a was there a time well then you had a church that grew called the Catholic church and they said no we reject Paul we want Peter Well you get achance you go to the cloud church and look up um under the why I'm not series why I'm not a Roman Catholic because in the Bible Peter was not a pope Peter was married he makes an awful Pope but you see every religious cult in the world today that claims to be Christians are a cult because they forget Paul and they try to go to someone else instead of Paul now we don't follow Paul as our savior Jesus is the savior Paul only points to Jesus for salvation but you can't start a church and leave Paul out you can't runa church and try to get people saved and leave out Paul he's in the Bible for a reason and we're going to find out what that reason is so let's begin with Jesus let's look at what the Bible says about Jesus who he was what his ministry was who he came to and the reason that Jesus came and then we'll look at Paul and the reason that Paul is in the Bible so go with me to John chapter 1 well actually I'll just read John chapter 1 while you're looking for Matthew 15 so look up Matthew 15 but John 1:1 17 says for thelaw was given by Moses okay but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ so the law was given by Moses and the law was up until Jesus so the law was given by Moses and all these people were under the law but Jesus came and started his ministry to fulfill certain promises made to the fathers so the law and the prophets were until the ministry of Jesus and then Jesus fulfilled the law and the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the end of the law to all who believe so in John chap or Matthew chapter 15 verse 24 Jesus Christ says these words okay ifyou have a Bible with red lettering it should be in red lettering because these are Jesus words okay you want to believe the Bible you want to believe Jesus what did Jesus say about himself and who whom to whom did Jesus say that he came in his ministry in Matthew 15:24 says but he answered and said this is Jesus I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel so Jesus came down from heaven to Israel only to Israel did Jesus come he says I'm only come to the lost sheep of the House of Israel that means that whenJesus Christ came and his Earthly Ministry he did not come to Gentiles I mean it can't be any more plain Jesus said said it from his own lips that Jesus came as a Jew to Jews John 4:22 this is such an important message and you'll see why as we go along Jesus says you worship you know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews so here Jesus says he came to the Jews and Jesus says that salvation is of the Jews why is that why is salvation of the Jews well if you remember back here withAbraham God called out Abraham and made a mighty nation and he called Israel and back there I believe it's in Exodus God says Israel is my first born and God says of Israel they're my chosen people they're a royal priesthood a chosen Nation so this was God's people and if you wanted to be saved in the Old Testament you had to come under that law and if you were a gentile back then you had to become a convert to Jew Judaism because salvation was of the Jews God chose the way of Salvation was to cometo the law of Moses now the law of Moses did it save you actually the Bible says that the law of Moses was nothing but um a school Master to bring us to Christ it was a law to show us the knowledge of sin so what the law did it showed you you were a sinner and according to the law the way to have that sin remitted or taken away or forgiven was through a sacrifice of blood and that sacrifice of blood was a lamb or a goat or a bulock what the law demanded an animal sacrifice forgave sins now when Jesus Christ came he saidno more do you have to do those animal sacrifices the Bible says Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world so Jesus Christ the lamb came and died in our place as our sacrifice thank God for that but when he did his ministry it was for Jews and all that was for the Jewish nation and so all this is all Jews all for the Jews John chapter 1 and verse 11 tells us clearly he came unto his own and his own received him not who is his own the Jews Jesus Christ was a Jew born as a Jew he came to his own to the Jews let's go toActs chapter 13 and here we hear it again who did Jesus Christ come for what did he come for Acts chapter 13 in verse 22 and it says and when he had removed him he raised up unto them David to be their King to whom also she gave testimony and said I have found David the son of Jesse a man after mine own heart which will fulfill all my will of this man's seed ha God according to his promise raised unto Israel a savior Jesus now in Romans 15 it says that Jesus came to fulfill the promise to the fathers and here we're reading thatthere was a promise made and that Jesus came to fulfill it so who did he come to he came to the Jews 24 when John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel and as John fulfilled his course he said whom think you that I am I am not he but behold there cometh one after me whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose men and Brethren Children of the stock of Abraham and whosoever among you fearth God to you is the word of this salvation sent so Jesus said youcame to the Jews salvation is of the Jews Jesus came to save the Jews now something happened and I can't wait to get there after in which the Jewish Nation as a whole rejected their Messiah and when they did it changed the salvation of the Jews changed to where Gentiles could be saved and that's where Paul comes in the minister to the Gentiles and we'll get to that we'll get to that I can't wait to get to that but let me just read some more here in Acts chap 13 and I'll just continue there in verse27 for they that dwell at Jerusalem and their rulers because they knew him not nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath day they have fulfilled them in condemning him and though they found no cause of death in him yet desired that pilate that he should be slain so this is Jesus the religious leaders offered up Jesus to be killed verse 29 when they had fulfilled all that was written of him they took him down from the tree and laid him in a seler well all that was written of him all there was a lot of Old Testamentbooks that prophesied that Jesus was going to die and that all these things would happen and guess what everything happened that was prophesied of Jesus within a 24-hour period of when he was going to be crucified proving that the Bible is true and it says here in verse 29 when they had filled all that was written written of him they took him down from the tree and laid him in a supper but God raised him from the dead 31 and he was seen many days of them which came up with him From Galilee to Jerusalem who are his Witnesses unto the people and 32says and we declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the fathers God had fulfilled the same unto us their children and that he raised up Jesus again so there's keeps going back to the promise of the fathers the promise of the fathers the promise Jesus ministry was to fulfill promises made to the fathers what were the promises made that there would come a Messiah and Jesus was him and that he would die but many people in the Old Testament didn't realize that his coming was to die fortheir sins they thought he would come to sit on the throne of his father David which we'll get to in a minute as well uh let's go ahead to verse 34 and as concerning that he raised him up from the dead now no more to return to corruption he said on this wise I will give you the sure mercies of David wherefore he saith also in another Psalm Thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption for David after he had served his own Generation by the will of God fell on sleep and was laid unto his fathers and saw corruption but he whomGod raised again saw no corruption be it known therefore unto you men and Brethren I read that backwards be it known unto you therefore men and Brethren that through this men has preached unto you the Forgiveness of sins and by him now watch this verse 39 and by him Jesus all that believe are Justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses so Jesus ministry was to come and to tell these people look the promises I made I'm going to fulfill him here and I'm here to bring you salvation and then hedied and he rose again we just read and now they said no you can't be justified by the law the law no longer saves we are justified by him by Jesus but who is it written to men and Brethren men and Brethren verse 26 children of the stock of Abraham notice he speaking to Jews the ministry of Jesus was to Jews and when he died and rose again that Ministry came out here to Peter and the early apostles who continued to take that message to Jews until there was a point in which the Jews as a nation as a whole rejected their Messiah and thenGod took it to the Gentiles and thank God he did cuz I'm a dirty rotten Gentile well I'm saved now so I'm no longer a gentile I'm a part of the church of God so Jesus came as a Jew to the Jews what for well here's what Jesus came preaching and this is what so many in churches today don't understand I've talked to people that have sit in church 40 50 60 years and they have never not once heard what I'm about to show you from the Bible today why is that because many churches today don't study theBible don't read the Bible and they don't understand hey it's all about the Apostle Paul that points us to Jesus you see they want to come to Jesus from Matthew Mark Luke or John rather than coming to Jesus through this side and why is that important we'll get to that in a minute look at Matthew 4:32 Matthew 4:23 excuse me I'm a little lisic if you will it says in verse 23 and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching watch what he preached the gospel of the kingdom and healing allmanner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people Jesus came and in his ministry what did he preach he preached the gospel of the Kingdom now notice that's not this Gospel of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Jesus came preaching the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom what was he talking about well over here there's a king Om I'm in the way here there's a kingdom and in that kingdom is when literally there will be a throne of David that Jesus Christ will sit in thatThrone he will literally sit on that throne and Rule and Reign on the house over the House of David over all the Jewish nation in that throne and see I'm not a good artist so I'm already messing it up but that's supposed to be a throne all right and Jesus will be seating sitting in that throne and ruling and reigning for a thousand years there were many Prophecies of that in the Old Testament matter of fact someone said that 90% of the prophets in the Old Testament all speak of that coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ so 90% of themajor and minor Minor Prophets are all Prophecies of this only about 10% do they prophesy of this now if you get a chance go to cloud church.org look up past sermons I've got a sermon about about the two comings of Jesus Christ that will show you more about how Jesus came twice or will have come twice because he came the first time to die he came as a lamb to be a sacrifice but he comes again at Armageddon and when he comes again he's going to come to rule and he's going to come as a lion he's goingto come in battle array and he's going to sit himself on the throne with a rod of iron so those Jews when they saw Jesus come and he came preaching in the Kingdom they thought that that kingdom here was going to start there so they said oh he's going to come in he's going to kick out pilate he's going to kick out Herod he's going to defeat the Roman Empire and he's going to set up his kingdom for a thousand years right there but what happened now some people call this the postponement Theory and theysay that that the theory is that uh this kingdom was postponed because of this well I call it the postponement fact as we'll see from the Bible is not a theory it's a fact there was a kingdom that could have started right there but we clearly see the rejection of the Messiah by the Jewish people and because of that and Jesus was preaching this Kingdom it could have been this was right here but because of the rejection by the Jewish people of their Messiah God said I've got to postpone this and that's thereason why God Called Paul so that we Gentiles could be saved that's why we have the church age some people call it a parenthetical age it's one of those things that could have happened or could not happened because everything was based upon what the Jews did with their Messiah and what did they do they yelled crucify him crucify him crucify him and they killed the Lord Of Glory see Jesus Christ is the savior and we're going to look at that Jesus Christ was the Messiah Jesus Christ is God and yet the Jews said we will nothave this man to rule over us so God said okay my kingdom I'm just going to put way out here and I'm going to let you Jewish people go through so much suffering and the history after Jesus of the Jewish people is a history of a nation of people that have suffered and suffered and suffered for almost 2,000 years until about 1948 when they started to go back into their land and even now they're suffering as people around their land want to get rid of them let me give you another example Matthew chap9:35 Jesus is coming and it says and Jesus went about all the cities and Villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom so Jesus when he came in his Earthly Ministry what was he doing he was preaching this right here and yet so few people that claim to be Christians even realize that when they read through the Bible and so we clearly see Jesus when he came to these Jews he was preaching to them a gospel what's the word gospel mean it means good news and the good news that Jesus was preaching them is hesays the kingdom is at hand the kingdom is at hand the kingdom is at hand what does it mean to be at hand it means it can be right there it's about to start but guess what it's based upon what you do with Jesus and they rejected their Messiah They Crucified they killed him so God says okay now it's way out here that's the postponement fact in Luke 1:32 we read that Jesus when he came he came for a purpose you see he came preaching the kingdom because the kingdom could have been set up right then Luke 1:32speaking of Jesus Christ and it says and he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his father David verse 33 and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and us of his kingdom there shall be no end now are we under the kingdom of God right now well there's a spiritual Kingdom that's taking place now in in the church age called the kingdom of God but the literal Kingdom of Heaven that kingdom in which God Jesus Christ comes and sitson that Throne of David in Jerusalem has not come yet that's a future coming Kingdom and that's a kingdom that will take place when Jesus returns at Armageddon so it's not just a postponement them Eerie it's a postponement fact that that when Jesus came he came preaching this Kingdom it's at hand it can come if you'll accept me but the Jews as a nation rejected their Messiah so God said okay now this is going to be out here and now this is going to take place first and that's where we see the entrance of Paul andwhy Paul is in the Bible so we have Jesus in the Bible and Jesus came to Jews preaching the message of the Kingdom that's the message of the millennial Kingdom there's so many churches today that like to hang around Matthew 56 and 7 they like to preach what they call the Beatitudes blessed are the poor blessed are the meek blessed or this blessed or that and they love to preach the words of Jesus and then they try to apply them to us today when they're not they're out there cuz Jesus when he was preaching hewas preaching here's what's going to happen when I'm in My Kingdom so as we look at it today and the Kingdom's been postponed almost all that Jesus was preaching in his ministry applies to that right there and it hasn't happened yet not yet so it's so important to see that and yet so few people that claim to be Christians preach that today so there's just so much to go into but look at John chapter 8 let's just look quickly at who Jesus was and then we'll look at Paul John 8:23says and he saith unto him unto them Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees you are from beneath I am from above you are of this world I am not of this world I said therefore unto you that ye shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am he ye shall die in your sins now if you get a chance go to the cloud Church look up past sermons look up the sermon I preached entitled the difference between The Who and the what of salvation hopefully if you don't understand this message that will explain it because when Jesus came inhis ministry all the emphasis was I am a Jew and you are all Jews and I am preaching to Jews and you have to believe who I am so Jesus as he's going around preaching the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom he's saying who do you believe that I am who do you believe that I am and for the Jews to come to Jesus they had to believe who he was well who did they had to believe was they had to believe he was their Messiah so the message that Jesus was pushing the message that Jesus was preaching in his ministry is not thesame message that we're saved by today and we're going to see that from Paul's writings so just believing that Jesus is the Messiah doesn't save you I'm reminded of a story in the Bible in which there were some demon-possessed guys and they came over and they fell down on their knees and they said Jesus are you here to cast us out before our time and and they said we know who you are and Jesus said ' don't tell anyone he said go out and he cast them into a bunch of swine and guess what they saidwe know who you are well were those demons saved because they knew Jesus was the Messiah no are we saved today because we know Jesus is the Messiah no but all the emphasis of Matthew Mark Luke and John when Jesus a Jew was preaching to Jews was trust who Jesus is trust that he is your Messiah because your Messiah has come and had the entire nation of Israel trusted Messiah that Kingdom would have started right then but they rejected him and we're going to look at that rejection as well three different times the leadersof Israel rejected their Messiah so who is Jesus well he's the Messiah he is the savior uh Luke chap 2 and verse 11 it tells us who Jesus is I've got a message on on the the cloud church.org under past sermons it's called who is Jesus it's a simple message I'm surprised how views it's gotten a lot of people have watched it said it's been a blessing to you if you get a chance go watch that who is Jesus and it shows you who Jesus is but in Luke chap 2: 11 it tells us for unto you is Born This Day in the city of David asavior which is Christ the lord so Jesus Christ is our savior he is the Lord and He is Christ what is the word Christ mean it means the anointed one well that's what miach or Messiah means it's the anointed one so Jesus Christ God came down from heaven born of a virgin and he was the Messiah let me show you 1 Timothy 3:16 and then we'll move on but it's so important you see people will try to tell you that when you preach Paul you're trying to downgrade Jesus there are people that actually say oh you're evil because youpreached the Apostle Paul and so you try to put Jesus down no a thousand times no when you rightly divide the scripture and learn what the Bible teaches and see why Paul's in the Bible it does nothing but glorify and magnify who Jesus is you see uh being a follower of Paul does in no way puts down Jesus to the contrary it puts Jesus in his proper perspective because Paul says in 1 Timothy 3:16 and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifested in the flesh so manifest excuse me God wasmanifest In the Flesh so Jesus Christ is God manifest In the Flesh so we must always remember who Jesus is Jesus Is God he's the Messiah he's the Savior but when he came he came only to the Jews he preached to them about the kingdom and he told them salvation is for you now you must trust who I am and guess what they did they said we want you not crucify him crucify him crucify him his blood be upon us they cried and God said okay all right if you guys don't want this salvation that I offer I'm going totake it to the Gentiles boy I'm getting Goosebumps CU thank God thank God that salvation's coming to the Gentiles now let me just depart for a second and say this God is not done with Israel as a nation once this Rapture takes place and all the church is taken out then the Bible teaches us that God will go back to dealing with Israel just like he did back here and that all the nation of Israel God's going to save that Nation although it's going to be a Remnant some of them will reject him again and takethe mark of the beast but they'll be an remnant of Jews of the nation that will turn to Jesus and they're the ones that will go through the tribulation into this Kingdom when Jesus returns so God's not done with the Jews I had somebody say one time well you hate the Jews and and you you believe in replacement theology no I don't I don't believe the church replaced Israel I believe that church is God's chosen people in this day and age but that there still is Israel and that someday they will come to their Messiahthat's what the Bible teaches you see people that believe in a replacement Theory say nope there'll never be Israel ever again well that's stupid because the promises made to the fathers was that Jesus will sit on his throne in David well if there won't be any Israel anymore than how is Jesus going to sit on the throne of David if there's no Jerusalem for him to rule in so you have to rightly divide the word of truth yes the Jews will come back as a nation but right now we're in a Timecalled The Church age in which salvation is a little different okay so so Jesus Is God manifest In the Flesh he is the Messiah he is the Christ he is the savior he came as a Jew to Jews in order to sit on his throne in Jerusalem but what happened well what happened was the nation the religious leader said we don't want you and so there was a postponement that took place and now the kingdom rather than starting here will start out here way in the future now because of that we find the book of Acts and the book of Acts is a transitional book butit's also a pivotal book it's an important book it's a book that so few people read and understand and because they don't read it they don't put Paul where he belongs they don't understand Paul but the book of Acts shows us the change from Jesus and Jesus ministry and Peter and Peter's Ministry to Paul's Ministry why it changed how it changed what happened so now let's look at Paul but as we do let's first look at uh the book of Acts okay Acts chapter 1 I'll just show you a little bit of thechanges and if you get a a chance read through the book of Acts it's a fun book you're right it's a hard book there's so many different things going on you can't really base your Doctrine on the book of Acts because there's changes taking place throughout the entire book and what happens is at the end of the book of Acts all Doctrine gets settled with Paul so Paul becomes the main Minister and no more are we under Jesus ministry no more are we under Peter and the apostles Ministry now today in thechurch age Accord according to the Bible we're all under Paul's Ministry and we're all under Paul's writings which are Romans through phiman and so all the doctrine of the church age today comes from these books of Paul now I believe Hebrews was written way over here you get a CH chance go to the cloud church and you can look up uh instead of being under past sermons I believe it's under Bible studies about when was Hebrews written and I believe that's a good Bible study I do believe that Paul wrote Hebrews butI do believe he wrote it back here when God was still dealing with the Jews rather than today and that's a fun study okay so what happened is Jesus here now no where is Jesus well we're told in the Bible that he's that he's up in heaven now in Acts chapter 1 and verse 4-10 Jesus rises again from the dead and hears what he tells his disciples and being assembled together with them commanded them that she they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which sayith Ye Yehave heard of me for John truly baptized with water but she shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence right you get a chance go to Cloud Church look up past sermons and look at the one called baptism and we see a difference between water baptism and spirit baptism we're not saved by water baptism today this is something that changed in the book of Acts today we're saved by faith in the moment we believe we're instantly baptized with the Holy Spirit according to the scriptures likeI said a lot of people they don't read the entire book of Acts they don't read the Epistles of Paul so they don't see that uh verse uh seven he said to them it is not for you to know the times of the seasons which the father has put in his own power now why would Jesus say you should should not know the times or the seasons because it could still come this Kingdom if they preached to Jews and the Jews accepted their Messiah but unfortunately once again the Jews rejected their Messiah as a matter offact there's three times in the Bible in the in which the Jewish Nation rejects their Messiah the first was the preaching of John when John the Baptist came he was preaching and he says I came to make manifest to Israel Jesus the Messiah and so he's baptizing and the Bible says the Pharisees came and they looked and they go we're not going to take that that was the first rejection by the religious leaders the rejection of God the father because God the Father sent John the Baptist the second timewas when they rejected Jesus Christ that's when the religious leaders of Israel rejected God the son Jesus and now we go to Acts chapter 7 and here's the final chance that God gives to Israel he gives them one more chance and he says now will you accept me and look at what it says in verse 51 you stiff necked and uncircumcising hearts and ears you do always resist the Holy Ghost as your fathers did so do ye so there's a man named Steven who stands up and preaches to the Sanhedrin he stands up and preaches to these Jews andthey reject God the holy spirit so they reject God the Father through the preaching of John they reject God the son Jesus through his preaching of his kingdom coming and that he was the Messiah and then the final time Acts chapter 7 they reject God the Holy Spirit Well you know in baseball they say strike three you're out God was merciful to give Israel three chances to accept their Messiah and take him and trust him and had they trusted who he was and accepted him that Kingdom would have been way back here but watch whathappens in this P passage in Acts chapter 7 verse 55 but he Steven being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens open and the son of man standing on the right hand of God twice we are told that this guy Steven was over there preaching and twice Steven says he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God now in other passages of the scripture we're told that Jesus Christ is Seated on the right hand of the Father inheaven so why would Jesus Christ be standing right here in Acts chapter 7 I know why because that was it that was the last opportunity it was either strike three or they got a home run because they accepted their Messiah and so Jesus stood up and was standing ready to come back for this Kingdom to start and then what happened well the rest of the verse here verse 58 they cast him out of the city and stoned him they stoned stepen the ultimate rejection three rejections of the Messiah and God sat back down and so God says okay nowit's time to change to the Gentiles because the Jews salvation is the Jews they reject it so now I'll take it to the Gentiles and that's what God did and as you go through the book of Acts you find some exciting stuff all you have to do is read it that's Acts chapter 7 Acts chapter 8 Ethiopian unic who would that be a gentile gets saved Acts chapter n who gets saved Paul Acts chapter 10 in verse in Acts chapter 11 we have old Peter again shows up and Peter gets a guy named Cornelius saved a gentile see how it's turning and turningand turning more and more from Jews to Gentiles over in chapter 13 we have the sending out of Paul as a minister as a missionary Acts chapter 15 we have the the early church meeting together after Paul goes out and preaches and they all get together and they all say verse 11 we believe that through grace through faith we shall be saved even as they because they're telling about how Gentiles got saved by faith I love verse 15 but we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved even as theysee there's no water baptism to receive the Holy Spirit Acts 15:11 says you're saved by grace why Jesus came and Grace and Truth came by Jesus and then as the book of Acts changes from Jews to Gentiles it's all about oops it's all about faith it's all about believing it's all saved by grace and then it all begins to be the ministry of Paul the ministry of Grace so let's look at some more things here let's go to Galatians chapter 1 and this is so important because what God did is because the Jews rejected himbecause the Jewish Nation as a whole and not all Jews rejected him there were some Jewish converts to following Jesus but the nation the religious leaders as a whole the nation rejected their Messiah when they did the final time acts 7 God said okay now I'm going to get this guy named Paul I'm going call him to go take the gospel but guess what he said God said did you know what I'm going to do I'm going to reveal unto him the gospel and today we are not saved by trusting who Jesus is we'resaved by trusting what Jesus did as I stated earlier go to the cloud Church look up that message the difference between The Who and the what of Salvation because what we find as we continue in in the Bible studying as we rightly divide the word of Truth is that God called this guy Paul out and God revealed something to him what did God reveal to him well let's look over here in Galatians chapter 1 and verse 11 but I certify you Brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man for I neither received it of manneither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ so according to the Bible God revealed to Paul what the gospel for us today now if God waited to reveal the gospel to Paul why did he wait because it had to cut off for the Jews so all the way up over here till Paul till God revealed the gospel to Paul all that is still old to the Jews even though that starts the New Testament it's still going to the Jews and they have a chance to be saved all to the Jews here and then through Paul we gos we Gentiles get a chance tobe saved so what you have is you have a change Jesus a Jew two Jews calls out some Jews and tells those Jews go preach to the Jews and tell them to trust me as their Savior and up until Acts chapter 7 they have a chance but then they Stone Steven and God says that's it that's it's done you Jews have rejected me for the final time I am now going to give the gospel to Paul to take to the lost and dying Gentile world now a Jew can still be saved today but they must come through this gospel and anyone today whowants to be saved must come through this gospel that God revealed to Paul and I'm going to finish this message by showing you those verses do you see now why Paul is so important though you see we don't live back here in the ministry of Jesus and we don't live here in the early Ministry of the early Apostles we live on this side so we live after Paul so if we want to come to Jesus today we can't come through this or this the way to come to Jesus is through the gospel what is the gospel it's 1 Corinthians 15 1-4and I'm going to hold that off to the very end and we'll read that but I want you to look at these things Paul says that he was revealed unto him um well verse 12 was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ what was taught to Paul the gospel so who revealed the gospel to Paul actually it was Jesus Jesus revealed to Paul the gospel if you take Paul out of the Bible you're cutting your own throat because Jesus in heaven says all right I'm changing now from Jews to Gentiles and Paul you're going to be oneto take the gospel message Jesus so if you want to come to Jesus today for salvation because he is the savior you can't come to Jesus today unless you come through the gospel that Jesus revealed to Paul that's so simple but it's the truth so many verses let's go to Galatians chap 2 veres 7-10 but contrary eyes when when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me as the gospel of circumcision was unto Peter for he that write effectually in Peter to the apostleship of thecircumcision the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles so Jesus C uh so Paul Paul went to the Gentiles and he's saying that Paul Peter went more to the Jews uh Romans chapter 11 and verse 13 oh this is such an important message if you leave Paul out you're in trouble you're leaving out the gospel of Salvation because Jesus gave it to Paul and revealed unto him this is what you preach so the Gentiles can be saved and if you want to leave that out you're leaving out the way to Jesus because weonly come to Jesus today through this gospel Romans 11:13 Paul tells us he says for I speak to you Gentiles in as much that I am the Apostle of the Gentiles I magnify my office so Paul is the Apostle to the Gentiles so Paul is our Apostle today Romans chapter 16 and verse 25 look at what the Apostle Paul says in Romans 16 1625 now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel now watch this and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was Kept Secret sincethe world began what is the mystery it was a mystery that God kept secret before the world began but then Paul says my gospel and the revelation of my gospel Paul calls the gospel that God revealed unto him my gospel and guess what it's the only way to be Sav today it's through the gospel of Paul more and more more there's so many more verses well let me go ahead and read the next verse here I hate to forget it verse 26 but now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the Commandment ofthe Everlasting God made know to All Nations for The Obedience of Faith how was that gospel now made manifest because God revealed it to Paul then Paul took it to the early Apostles and said this is what God's revealed to me to preach for salvation and they said okay acts 1511 we believe that by grace through faith we shall be saved even as they the gospel today is called the gospel of the grace of God salvation by trusting in what Jesus did for us his death burial and Resurrection it's what he did for us in our place go to RomansChapter 2 and verse 16 this is how important Paul is and if you still want to take Paul out of the Bible then I have one thing to say for you see it the Judgment that's all I can say if you choose to reject Paul in the gospel go Jesus gave to him for salvation you will be judged someday and look at what Paul says in Romans 2:16 in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel the Apostle Paul tells us plain ly that one day God Jesus Will judge all men and Jesus Will judgehow according to what Paul calls my gospel so someday everybody that's ever lived after Paul will stand before God and give account of himself and according to the authority of the word of God Jesus Christ himself is going to say all right I told Paul the gospel full of Salvation what' you do with it so in essence Jesus will be saying what' you do with Paul what' you do with what I told you uh through Paul what' you do with with Paul's gospel you see I called Paul for a purpose to give you the way ofSalvation what' you do with it oh well God I didn't think Paul should be in the Bible so I ripped him out go to hell is what go Jesus Christ will say because you didn't show study to show yourself approved unto God a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed brightly dividing word of Truth you chose to just read Matthew Mark Luke and John and maybe a little bit of Acts but you didn't keep reading all the way through to see that it all changed and that God said okay now Paul you come over here I have a work for youhere's the gospel of today here's salvation take that to the world you know what the Bible says about Paul in the book of Acts it says he changed the world upside down in his time he's a man that went out and preached through the entire Known World of his day and he turned the entire world upside down because so many people accepted this gospel that God revealed that Jesus revealed to Paul and yet today most Christians quotation marks there most so-called Christians don't even follow Paul or don't even know what his gospel is I'vesaid it many times before I'll say it again that uh I've been to about 200 different churches and every time I go to a church I like to say well first off I'd like to ask who here here can tell me what the gospel is in the Bible and in about 200 different churches only about 10 times have I ever got the right answer why is that because so many today have turned against Paul or else just ignore him that they don't even know where in the Bible it says this is the gospel that's so sad that's so sad wellthere's so many different things I could say there's three times when Paul tells us to follow him in 1 Corinthians 4:1 14-16 he says be ye followers of me 1 Corinthians 11:1 it says if you're a follower of Paul then you're a follower of Christ so the only way to follow Jesus today is go through the gospel that Jesus gave to Paul again Philippians 3:17 Paul says Be You followers of me even as I am of Christ so be a follower of Paul so Paul is so important why because God gave to him the gospel I just got a few more versesand this is why it's so important I just I wish people would read the Bible early Christians like I said were called policians why because they understood the Bible they read the whole thing they saw oh so the Jews rejected their Messiah so God Called Paul to give the gospel to us Gentiles and so they said we're following Jesus Through the writings of Paul we're following Christ through the gospel that Jesus revealed to Paul we're coming to Jesus the way Jesus said for us Gentiles to come through the preaching of the Gospel thatGod gave to Paul 1 Corinthians 9 9:17 Paul says for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward but against my will a dispensation of the Gospel is committed unto me a dispensation of the gospel God G gave him something God dispensed to him the gospel and then he says now I have to go dispense or give to others the Gospel of Jesus Christ Ephesians chapter 3 and verse two that's why it's so important I just hope people understand this teaching I hope it's been a blessing to you like I said I'vegot several more verses but unless you understand this you can't even be saved because we're all going to be judged I forgot to write it up here according to Romans 216 we're all going to be judged according to the gospel that God revealed unto Paul and if you didn't come through that gospel then you're lost and you're still on your way to Hell Ephesians 2 Ephesians 3 and verse 2 if you heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you word God gave to Paul the gospel of thegrace of God and Paul say it's given to me to dispense to you word God gave me the gospel of Salvation to give to you now you want to be saved take from Paul's writings take the gospel that God gave to Paul apply it to your heart trust that gospel for salvation no no Paul was a liar and deceiver and he weasel his way into the B Bible some say well have bad news for you you're going to hell because you choose to reject the Apostle Paul by rejecting Paul you want to come to Jesus some other way when Jesus is the one thatsays no the only way is through that gospel that I revealed unto the Apostle Paul for you Gentiles I hope I'm making this plain enough to where you can understand what I'm saying it's just frustrating to see the entire so-called Christian world today they read the Bible and as they as they try to preach they kick Paul out I've had a guy tell me one time he says you're too Pauline what does that even mean Paul is our Apostle we're supposed to be following Paul and his writings because they're for the doctrine for thechurch age today how can you be too Pauline well their idea is well I will follow Jesus more than Paul well then you're wrong because Jesus said the only way to come to him and follow him is through Paul so how can you it's like it's like me okay let's say let's say I have a guy over here as my bodyguard and I say anyone can come to me directly through him and if you go to him and tell him your name and tell you what you want he'll bring you to me but if you come directly to me I won't accept you well that's kind oflike it's set up Jesus Christ says look I came to the Jews and then he went up into heaven he tried to save the Jews they rejected him so he says Paul come here here you stand in front of me Paul if anyone wants to come through me I give you the ticket and you give them the ticket but yet people try to go out of the way Paul move I'm coming to Jesus anyway and Jesus says nope it's all Paul right here you can't get to me unless you go through him I don't know why God did it that way all I know is that hedid and those are powerful verses that you're going to be judged according to the gospel that God revealed and gave to Paul you see one of the things God did when he called Paul was he revealed some Mysteries to Paul if you get a chance to go to Cloud church and I preached on those there's seven mysteries in the Bible and we looked at those Mysteries that God gave to Paul that were only for this time period and boy are they doozies I've got all seven different ones and you can look them up when youget a chance that's a fun bible study the seven mysteries in the Bible Colossians chapter 1: 25 wherefore Paul is speaking I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given me for you to fulfill the word of God even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from Generations but now is made manifest to the Saints so the mystery God revealed to him and then it tells you in verse 27 what the mystery is um Titus Chapter 1 verse 1 through three so important to understand why Paul is in the Bible Paul want uh Paulsays in Titus 1 1-3 Paul an apostle of God a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the faith of God's elect the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness in Hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world again but hath in due times manifested his word through preaching which is committed unto me according to the Commandment of God our savior now did you hear what Paul just said Paul says but hath in due times manifested his word through preaching which is committed unto mePaul says God committed unto me to preach something in due time what is the time it's the time we're in now for the church age to Gentiles what is he supposed to preach the gospel which is committed unto me Paul says The Gospel According to the Commandment of God our savior God Our Savior Jesus Christ commanded Paul here Paul here's the gospel to take to the world today for salvation if they want to get saved they have to come through what I gave you Paul the gospel of salvation what is the gospel it's 1Corinthians 15 1-4 if you've seen any of my videos you probably seen it I like to put it on the end of every one of my videos because I don't know who who watches what or when and I'd hate to know that I preached a message without giving the gospel and that was the one message that the guy needed to hear it and it wasn't there so what is the gospel for today well the gospel that God gave to Paul is in 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 and Paul lays it out as plain and as simple as a man can I'll read it 1Corinthians 15 1-4 moreover a Brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preach unto you which also youve received and wherein you stand by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain for I delivered of you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third days according to the scriptures so the gospel is the death the burial and the resurrection of JesusChrist for our sins you see that right there is the most important thing because Peter would preach oh this Jesus that died and was risen again you killed but it was what was revealed to Paul was look this was for us it wasn't an accident that Jesus Christ died and was buried and rose again it was planned out it was a mystery it was something that God did to pay for our sins and so God revealed that unto Paul the death barrel and Resurrection for our sins according to the scriptures and when he told the early church that that theearly church says well we were just preaching who he was we were all going around telling everybody trust your Messiah trust your Messiah trust your Messiah and Paul says well that's great but that's for Jews the Jews need to trust that that's their Messiah but God told me Paul says that you trust what he did for you for salvation and the Bible teaches when you trust the gospel the death BR and Resurrection for our sins according to the scriptures when you trust that shed blood that blood atonement if you get a chance to go toCloud Church look up past sermons look up the one on blood atonement that's the way to be saved so there's the message today Jesus versus Paul we see clearly in the Bible why Jesus is there he is God manifest In the Flesh he's the Messiah but he a Jew came to the Jews preaching the gospel of the kingdom and telling them trust who I am you must believe that I am he that I am the Messiah when the Jews ultimately rejected for the third time their Messiah God says okay now the message is not just who I am the message is trustwhat I've done for you because it's all about the gospel it's all what I done and God in heaven Jesus Christ said you know what I'm going to choose this guy named Paul and tell him this is the gospel and by the way Paul here's a couple of mysteries I'm going to reveal to you and now Paul you're an apostle that I have chosen to go to the Gentiles with the gospel of Salvation this teaching in no way diminishes our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I am not exalting Paul above Jesus in any way shape orform but the only way according to this teaching to come to the Savior Jesus today is to come through the gospel revealed to Paul that's what this teaching is saying I've known people that say well I'm a Christian because I believe in Jesus and I saywell when did you uh when did you hear the gospel oh what's the gospel are they saved you know there's people today that say I'm a Christian because I'm a follower of Jesus and they're just as lost as a golf ball in high weeds backin the 60s maybe it was the 70s they had what they called the Jesus Freaks bunch of long-headed hippies that run around oh we love Jesus we're just following his teachings oh yeah what teachings are you following oh Matthew Mark Luke and John are they saved no but yet they claim to follow Jesus what they miss they miss the gospel of Paul you see you can't truly be a follower of Jesus and come to Jesus and be saved unless you realize it's Paul that has the gospel that saves us and brings us to Jesus so why is Paul in theBible to show us the way of Salvation the way of of the Gospel of Salvation the way to Jesus Christ because that's the way God planned it I I could go on but I've shown you the verses go back and read the verses they're so clear they're so plain Paul says God revealed unto me the gospel Paul says God committed unto me this to give to you Paul says I'm the minister God made me a minister he gave me this and I went up to the early church and told them this is what the to preach and they all gottogether and they said you're right Paul it's all by grace through faith so if you're preaching anything pre acts 1511 you're not even preaching the gospel of Salvation what a thing to think about so do you want to be a Christian come to the gospel of Paul you know we're not exalting Paul above Jesus we're just putting him in his proper perspective and why he's there Paul wrote a fifth of the entire Bible Paul wrote 51% sent of the New Testament and now you know why he's in the Biblebecause you can't get saved without the gospel that God gave to him and Romans 2:16 says you will be judged someday according to that gospel what if you done with the Gospel of Jesus Christ what have you done with Paul and his writings and his teachings and his Revelations and his Mysteries that God gave to him want to get to heaven it's through the gospel 1 Corinthians 15 1 through 4 I hope this clears things up I hope this helps you to read and understand the Bible I hope more than anything you get saved through thisteaching this isn't a teaching of a denomination or this group over here or this this is just the Bible and what's what's odd is many denominations don't have this teaching it's because they teach their own traditions and when they're faced with the Bible they choose to reject the Bible I hope you'll choose to accept the teachings of the word of God because the Bible says traditions of of men make the word of God of none effect and that's why we're in the last days that's why we're in the age ofapostasy is because so many have turned away from the Bible teaching and have chosen to follow denominational teachings rather than the Bible I hope you'll follow the Bible hope you'll get saved trust Jesus Christ as your savior if you are saved read the Bible go through it understand it some people will accuse you of saying well you take Paul and you throw the rest of the Bible out which is what they do the opposite of they throw out Paul and keep the rest of the Bible I don't throw out any of the Bible I instruct you to read theentire thing but when you do rightly divide understand the only thing that literally is our doctrinal books of today are Romans through phiman everything else the Bible says are for our example and for our admonition and for our learning but we're not saved by getting back under the ministry of Jesus we're not saved by getting back under the law of Moses we're not saved by by trying to get back over in some other time period or another dispensation if we're alive today before the Rapture we're only saved through the gospeltrusting believing in the gospel of Paul I close with Ephesians 1:13 it says in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of Truth The Gospel of your salvation and it says you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise salvation comes through the believing and the trusting of the Gospel but you must first hear it you've heard the gospel preached today if you get saved please send me an email let me know I get excited when people email and say man I got saved man that means you're going to heaven that means whenyou stand before God and you're judged according to the gospel you can say yeah man that's the gospel I got saved on and God will let you into heaven so thank you for watching God bless sorry I went a little long but this is such an important message and I hope it's a blessing to you God bless we'll see you next time on the cloud church.org