
오늘의 단상_영적인 전쟁

esmile1 2024. 9. 30. 08:02


오늘은 영적전쟁에 대하여 성경에서 말씀하는 12가지 중요한 주제에 대해 알아보겠습니다.


< 목차 >


영적 전쟁의 실재

어둠 속의 빛의 중요성

악령의 본질 이해

성경 말씀의 힘

악마가 싫어하는 7가지

그리스도의 신성

예수님의 이름의 권능

예수님의 보혈의 능력

예수님의 부활

무기로서의 기도와 금식

킹제임스 성경의 권위

구원의 참된 복음


1. Introduction to Spiritual Warfare


[Ephesians 6:12 (KJV): "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (흠정역): "우리는 살과 피와 맞붙어 싸우지 아니하고 정사들과 권능들과 이 세상 어둠의 치리자들과 높은 처소들에 있는 영적 사악함과 맞붙어 싸우느니라."]


[2 Corinthians 10:4 (KJV): "(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)" (흠정역): "(우리의 전쟁 무기는 육신에 속하지 아니하고 하나님을 통해 강력하여 요새들도 무너뜨리느니라.)"]


[1 Peter 5:8 (KJV): "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" (흠정역): "정신을 차리라. 깨어 있으라. 너희 대적 마귀가 울부짖는 사자같이 두루 다니며 삼킬 자를 찾나니"]


[James 4:7 (KJV): "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (흠정역): "그러므로 너희는 하나님께 복종하라. 마귀를 대적하라. 그리하면 그가 너희에게서 도망하리라."]


2. The Importance of Light in Darkness


[John 1:5 (KJV): "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (흠정역): "빛이 어둠 속에 비치되 어둠이 그것을 깨닫지 못하더라."]


[Matthew 5:14 (KJV): "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." (흠정역): "너희는 세상의 빛이라. 산 위에 세운 도시가 숨겨지지 못하리라."]


[Ephesians 5:8 (KJV): "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:" (흠정역): "너희가 한때는 어둠이었으나 이제는 주 안에서 빛이니 빛의 자녀들로서 걸으라."]


[1 John 1:7 (KJV): "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." (흠정역): "그러나 만일 우리가 그분께서 빛 가운데 계신 것 같이 빛 가운데 걸으면 우리가 서로 교제하고 또 그분의 아들 예수 그리스도의 피가 모든 죄에서 우리를 깨끗하게 하느니라."]


3. Understanding Demonic Entities


[Mark 5:9 (KJV): "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." (흠정역): "그분께서 그에게 물으시되, 네 이름이 무엇이냐? 하시니 그가 대답하여 이르되, 내 이름은 군단이오니 이는 우리가 많기 때문이니이다, 하고"]


[Luke 8:30 (KJV): "And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him." (흠정역): "예수님께서 그에게 물으시되, 네 이름이 무엇이냐? 하시니 그가 이르되, 군단이니이다, 하니 이는 많은 마귀들이 그에게 들어갔기 때문이더라."]


[Matthew 12:43-45 (KJV): "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." (흠정역): "부정한 영이 사람에게서 나와 마른 곳으로 다니며 쉴 곳을 구하되 찾지 못하고 이르되, 내가 내 집 곧 내가 나온 곳으로 돌아가리라, 하고 와서 보니 그 집이 비고 청소되고 꾸며져 있으므로 이에 가서 자기보다 더 사악한 다른 영 일곱을 데려와 들어가서 거기 거하니 그 사람의 나중 형편이 처음보다 더 악화되니라. 이 사악한 세대도 그와 같이 되리라, 하시니라."]


[Jude 1:6 (KJV): "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." (흠정역): "또 자기의 처음 신분을 지키지 아니하고 자기의 처소를 떠난 천사들을 그분께서 큰 날의 심판 때까지 영존하는 사슬로 묶어 어둠 밑에 예비해 두셨느니라."]


4. The Power of Scripture


[Hebrews 4:12 (KJV): "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (흠정역): "하나님의 말씀은 살아 있고 권능이 있으며 양날 달린 어떤 검보다도 예리하여 혼과 영과 및 관절과 골수를 찔러 둘로 나누기까지 하고 또 마음의 생각과 의도를 분별하는 분이시니"]


[2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV): "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." (흠정역): "모든 성경 기록은 하나님의 영감으로 주신 것으로 교리와 책망과 바로잡음과 의로 교육하기에 유익하니 이것은 하나님의 사람이 완전하게 되어 모든 선한 일에 철저히 갖추어지게 하려 함이라."]


[Psalm 119:105 (KJV): "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (흠정역): "주의 말씀은 내 발에 등불이요, 내 길에 빛이니이다."]


[Isaiah 55:11 (KJV): "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." (흠정역): "내 입에서 나가는 내 말도 그러하여 그것이 헛되이 내게로 되돌아오지 아니하고 내가 기뻐하는 것을 이루며 내가 그 말을 보내어 이루게 하는 일에서 형통하리니"]


5. Seven Things Demons Hate


[James 2:19 (KJV): "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." (흠정역): "네가 한 하나님이 계시는 줄 믿으니 잘하는도다. 마귀들도 믿고 떠느니라."]


[Mark 1:24 (KJV): "Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God." (흠정역): "이르되, 나사렛 예수님이여, 우리를 내버려 두소서. 우리가 당신과 무슨 상관이 있나이까? 당신이 우리를 멸하러 오셨나이까? 나는 당신이 누구신 줄 아노니 곧 하나님의 거룩한 이시니이다, 하매"]


[Luke 4:34 (KJV): "Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God." (흠정역): "이르되, 나사렛 예수님이여, 우리를 내버려 두소서. 우리가 당신과 무슨 상관이 있나이까? 당신이 우리를 멸하러 오셨나이까? 나는 당신이 누구신 줄 아노니 곧 하나님의 거룩한 이시니이다, 하거늘"]


[Acts 19:15 (KJV): "And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?" (흠정역): "악한 영이 응답하여 이르되, 내가 예수님도 알고 바울도 알거니와 너희는 누구냐? 하며"]


6. The Deity of Christ


[John 1:1 (KJV): "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (흠정역): "처음에 말씀이 계셨고 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으며 말씀이 하나님이셨더라."]


[Colossians 2:9 (KJV): "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." (흠정역): "그분 안에는 신격의 모든 충만이 몸으로 거하고"]


[Hebrews 1:8 (KJV): "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom." (흠정역): "그러나 아들에게는 이렇게 말씀하시기를, 오 하나님이여, 주의 왕좌는 영원무궁하오며 주의 왕국의 홀은 의의 홀이니이다."]


[John 10:30 (KJV): "I and my Father are one." (흠정역): "나와 내 아버지는 하나이니라, 하시니라."]


7. The Name of Jesus


[Philippians 2:9-11 (KJV): "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (흠정역): "이러므로 하나님께서도 그분을 지극히 높이시고 모든 이름 위에 있는 이름을 그분에게 주사 하늘에 있는 것들과 땅에 있는 것들과 땅 아래 있는 것들의 모든 무릎이 예수라는 이름에 굴복하게 하시고 또 모든 혀가 예수 그리스도는 주시라고 시인하여 하나님 아버지께 영광을 돌리게 하셨느니라."]


[Acts 4:12 (KJV): "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (흠정역): "다른 사람 안에는 구원이 없나니 하늘 아래에서 우리를 구원할 다른 이름을 사람들 가운데 주지 아니하셨느니라, 하였더라."]


[Mark 16:17 (KJV): "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;" (흠정역): "믿는 자들에게는 이런 표적들이 따르리니 곧 내 이름으로 그들이 마귀들을 내쫓으며 새 언어들로 말하며"]


[Colossians 3:17 (KJV): "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." (흠정역): "또 무엇을 하든지 말에나 행위에나 다 주 예수님의 이름으로 하며 그분을 힘입어 하나님 곧 아버지께 감사를 드리라."]


8. The Blood of Jesus


[Revelation 12:11 (KJV): "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." (흠정역): "그들이 어린양의 피와 자기들의 증언의 말로써 그를 이기었으며 그들은 죽기까지 자기 생명을 사랑하지 아니하였도다."]


[Hebrews 9:22 (KJV): "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission." (흠정역): "율법에 따라 거의 모든 것이 피로써 깨끗하게 되나니 피 흘림이 없은즉 사면이 없느니라."]


[1 John 1:7 (KJV): "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." (흠정역): "그러나 만일 우리가 그분께서 빛 가운데 계신 것 같이 빛 가운데 걸으면 우리가 서로 교제하고 또 그분의 아들 예수 그리스도의 피가 모든 죄에서 우리를 깨끗하게 하느니라."]


[Ephesians 1:7 (KJV): "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;" (흠정역): "그 사랑하시는 자 안에서 우리가 그분의 풍성한 은혜를 따라 그분의 피를 통해 구속 곧 죄들의 용서를 받았도다."]


9. The Resurrection of Jesus


[1 Corinthians 15:14 (KJV): "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain." (흠정역): "그리스도께서 일어나지 아니하셨으면 우리의 선포하는 것도 헛것이요 너희의 믿음도 헛것이며"]


[Romans 1:4 (KJV): "And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:" (흠정역): "성결의 영에 따라 죽은 자들로부터 부활하심으로써 하나님의 아들로 권능 있게 밝히 드러나셨느니라."]


[Acts 2:24 (KJV): "Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it." (흠정역): "하나님께서 그분을 살리시고 사망의 고통을 풀어 주셨으니 이는 사망이 그분을 붙들 수 없었기 때문이라."]


[1 Peter 1:3 (KJV): "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," (흠정역): "하나님 곧 우리 주 예수 그리스도의 아버지를 찬송하리로다. 그분께서 자신의 풍성하신 긍휼에 따라 예수 그리스도를 죽은 자들로부터 부활하게 하심으로 우리를 다시 낳으사 산 소망에 이르게 하셨으며"]


10. Prayer and Fasting as Weapons


[Matthew 17:21 (KJV): "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." (흠정역): "그러나 이런 종류는 기도와 금식을 통하지 않고는 나가지 아니하느니라, 하시니라."]


[Ephesians 6:18 (KJV): "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;" (흠정역): "모든 기도와 간구로 항상 성령 안에서 기도하되 모든 성도를 위해 모든 인내와 간구로 그 일에 깨어 있고"]


[1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV): "Pray without ceasing." (흠정역): "쉬지 말고 기도하라."]


[James 5:16 (KJV): "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (흠정역): "너희 잘못들을 서로 고백하고 너희가 병 고침을 받도록 서로를 위해 기도하라. 의로운 자의 효과적이고 열렬한 기도는 많은 효력이 있느니라."]


11. The Authority of the King James Bible


[Psalm 12:6-7 (KJV): "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." (흠정역): "주의 말씀들은 순수한 말씀들이니 흙 도가니에서 정제하여 일곱 번 순수하게 만든 은 같도다. 오 주여, 주께서 그것들을 지키시며 주께서 그것들을 이 세대로부터 영원히 보존하시리이다."]


[Isaiah 40:8 (KJV): "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." (흠정역): "풀은 마르고 꽃은 시드나 우리 하나님의 말씀은 영원히 서리라, 하라."]


[Matthew 24:35 (KJV): "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (흠정역): "하늘과 땅은 없어지겠으나 내 말들은 없어지지 아니하리라."]


[2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV): "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" (흠정역): "모든 성경 기록은 하나님의 영감으로 주신 것으로 교리와 책망과 바로잡음과 의로 교육하기에 유익하니"]


12. The True Gospel of Salvation


[Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV): "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." (흠정역): "너희가 믿음을 통해 은혜로 구원을 받았나니 그것은 너희 자신에게서 난 것이 아니요 하나님의 선물이니라. 행위에서 난 것이 아니니 이것은 아무도 자랑하지 못하게 하려 함이라."]


[Romans 1:16 (KJV): "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." (흠정역): "내가 그리스도의 복음을 부끄러워하지 아니하노니 이는 그 복음이 믿는 모든 자를 구원에 이르게 하는 하나님의 권능이기 때문이라. 먼저는 유대인에게요 또한 그리스인에게로다."]


[Acts 4:12 (KJV): "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (흠정역): "다른 사람 안에는 구원이 없나니 하늘 아래에서 우리를 구원할 다른 이름을 사람들 가운데 주지 아니하셨느니라, 하였더라."]


[John 3:16 (KJV): "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (흠정역): "하나님께서 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 자신의 독생자를 주셨으니 이것은 누구든지 그를 믿는 자는 멸망하지 않고 영존하는 생명을 얻게 하려 하심이라."]




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< 자료원 >


Seven Things That Demons Hate - YouTube




(00:01) welcome everybody I'm Robert breaker and I thought I'd come outside today in the Sun for the sermon of the week and well there's a reason for it we're living in some very Wicked evil days there's a lot of demonic activity unfortunately in many places so there's a lot of spiritual darkness in the world and so I just thought I'd come here to a place where there's lots of light just get out in the sun today with as much light as I can and then give you some light from the scriptures on this subject so what

(00:30) we're to talk about today is something that um I've talked about before uh several occasions but never really laying it all out there so that you can see how to combat the devil and the wicked forces that he has that are so prevalent in our day and age by the way yesterday I did a live stream with Michael Hatfield and a lot of people can't find my live streams because when you go to YouTube you can go to the channel and it just shows the videos but it doesn't show the live streams in the video so you have to actually go to

(01:02) Robert breaker Channel and then look for where it says live and then look at all the live streams and see the live stream that we did with Michael Hatfield where we talked about some of this stuff yesterday as well but it would do really well to watch that it was three hours long but it would do very well to see just how the devil is working and where he is working and things like that but today what I want to talk about is the subject of seven things that demons demons hate seven things that demons hate over the years I've gotten lots of

(01:36) emails from people that say well brother breaker I've had some sort of entity come into my house or um I've had something bother me while I was asleep and wake me up and I felt a an evil presence and things like that and others say well they they bother me and make me think dirty thoughts and things like this and they say how do we fight these demonic entities well that's what we're going to talk about today and I'm going to give you seven things that demons despise seven things that they utterly

(02:05) hate and some of these things when you begin talking about they run they flee because they are intolerant bigots basically is what Devils or demons are and they cannot stand when a Christian shines light on their Darkness so we're going to look at today seven things that demons or Devils hate and we'll start in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 in Ephesians chap 6 and: 12 the Bible says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual

(02:44) wickedness spiritual wickedness in high places so yes there are things called Devils or demons and they exist and they are Satan's minions matter of fact in Matthew 25:41 it says that hell was prepared for for the devil and his angels so you know your Bible you know that the devil deceived some angels to fall with him and they are Fallen Angels but they also produced what are called devils in the Bible or demons we call them today and they are around and they go around and they try to deceive people they try to

(03:20) bother people uh I've met people that were demon-possessed I've talked to people that were uh thankfully met a lot of people who were delivered from it by salvation by being being saved and so that's wonderful that that the Bible tells us that we have the power and that we are with Christ much stronger than those things so I want to talk about that today the Bible says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world so when we're saved it's not that they can't touch us I don't believe they

(03:52) can get inside of us I don't believe they can possess us from the inside because the holy spirit is in there the Bible says you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise but I certainly believe that they can outwardly try to oppress you people say Do you believe in in demonic possession for a Christian no if you're saved you can't be possessed but the devil can certainly try to oppress you and shut you up and and and put you through things to try to make you quit when it comes to preaching the

(04:19) gospel and praying and doing what you should do so there are seven things that demons hate and we need to fight our spiritual battle we need to fight the devil knowledge is key knowing your Bible when the devil showed up to Jesus and in the Book of Matthew Jesus just quoted scripture and there's nothing the devil could do he just had to you know run away with his tail between his legs because the word of God as we'll get to is powerful so there are seven things that I believe demons hate that I have found over my

(04:55) Ministry over the years these are the seven main things that the Devils just cannot stand and if you're a pastor and you keep preaching on these seven things the Devils will pretty much stay away from your church because they don't want to hear this from the pulpit the first thing that demons are devils hate is the deity of Christ and the doctrine of the godhead or what many call the Trinity Devils or demons hate it when you say that Jesus Christ is God they cannot take that they don't want that even though they know it's

(05:31) true because they know someday they'll be judged by God and they know who Jesus Christ is so the deity of Christ uh new versions of the Bible they attack the deity of Christ in many places that shows me that there must have been demons behind the translation of those new versions because they attack the deity of Christ the godhead or the Trinity Doctrine what is the doctrine of the Trinity lately I've read a couple books from people that claim to be Bible believers who have come out and said well we're no longer trinitarians we

(06:01) don't believe in the doctrine of the Trinity and I say really then what do you believe and I read their books and it's just full of cognitive dissonance and basically they're saying that Jesus is a created being or a Lesser God and so they say I don't believe in the Trinity it's three gods and yet they teach two Gods well the doctrine of the godhead or the Trinity is not three different gods it's one God and three persons but these three are one how can one God exist in three different persons

(06:33) they say well if it's three persons then that makes three different separate ones well God can separate himself but still be one in 1 John 5:7 says that there is three that bear record the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost well it says the Father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one so I take the Bible at face value if they're one then even though they can separate themselves into three they're still one and that is the one true God and he said let us make man in our image why would he refer to

(07:03) himself in the plural let us in our well he made us as a tripart being we have a body Soul and Spirit so if we're created in the image of God then then he must be three in one as we are three in one so the body would be the son Jesus Christ the soul would be the father and then the Holy Spirit would be the spirit and here we are we are three now one of the arguments that these uh people led by demons are Satan thate preach there's no such thing as a trinity one of their arguments is well the Bible never says

(07:34) he's one God in three persons and some of those people claim to be King James Bible Believers and I'm just like do they even read the Bible you go to Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 1-3 and it talks about the father and it says that the son is is in the express image of the person of the father so it calls the father a person you go to 2 Corinthians 2:10 and it says I forgive you in the person of Jesus Christ so the father is called a person and the son is called a person that is one God but he's able to

(08:15) separate himself into three persons and you go to John 14:1 16 and John 14:26 and he talks about the comforter and I will send unto you another another what well it have to be a person the comforter who comes which is the Holy Spirit spirit so I see very clearly in the King James Bible one God in three persons but those three are one now I can't do what God does and separate myself if I could I'd just come here in spirit or in Soul and I'd stay at the house and my body and let my spirit and soul do the preaching but I can't

(08:50) separate myself but God because he's God he can and one of the things I've noticed in my Ministry is that the people that turn away from the doctrine of the Trinity are the godhead are led by Satan they are led by demons because demons hate the doctrine of the godhead and they're doing exactly what the um the Jehovah Witnesses do and they're turning from a Biblical doctrine that exalts Jesus Christ to where he should be exalted Jesus is God the Creator Ephesians 3:8 says that he is the Creator and that God created All

(09:25) Things by Jesus Christ why because Jesus is one with the god head and he is the creator now Matthew 1:23 says that Jesus is Emmanuel God With Us so Jesus Christ is God 1 Timothy 3:16 Says that God was manifest In the Flesh or is Manifest In the Flesh and 1 John 5:20 this is a verse that is makes it so clear and just to see the in these last days people arguing with the Bible and trying to undo the doctrine of what the Bible teaches of the godhead is so sad because they're literally making making Jesus a little God there's

(10:07) not two Gods the father and the son two different gods but that's what they teach I've read their books and they say oh he's just a little created God or something like that but 1 John 5 verse 20 says and we know that the Son of God has come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and that we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life so anyone that comes along and says oh the doctrine of the Trinity that's not a Bible Doctrine that's someone that's led

(10:38) by Satan and demons and we need to when we deal with demons we need to say hey Jesus Christ is God manifest In the Flesh and demons hate that demons want to attack that Doctrine so seven things that demons hate number one they hate that Jesus Christ is God and one with the father one God in three persons they hate that so what does that mean well that means that we that are Christians we should preach it even more it's one of those blessed uh Mysteries that God gave to the Apostle Paul there's seven mysteries

(11:11) in the Bible given to Paul and uh it's just amazing now there's another one that was given to John but there's literally seven given to Paul if you count the gospel as one of them and what was the thing that was presented to to Paul was the the doctrine of justification justified by faith justified by the blood so the first thing I want to say that demons hate is the deity of Christ that's why I stick with the King James Bible because it's translated from the right text and over and over and over it tells us that Jesus

(11:41) is God but you get into new versions of the Bible they begin to change things and they begin to take out key passages on the deity of Christ so stick with your King James Bible and know that when you're preaching the doctrine of the godhead and you're preaching that Jesus Christ is God then the demons will flee the second thing I want to say that that demons hate is the name of Jesus now a lot of people today are debating about well no his name isn't Jehovah it's Yahweh and no no it's not Jesus it's

(12:12) jehu jehoshua or jushua or jushua and they wanted in English it's been Jesus for 400 years okay we name him Jesus and that name Jesus has power so I don't go around and call him Yahweh or yahoshua or josua or yahoshua or Yeshua I call them because I speak English Jesus and the Bible says that the name of Jesus is powerful Philippians chapter 2 and verse 10 we read these words in Philippians 2:10 and this is important if you ever have to deal with demonic spirits or someone that is possessed with a demonic

(12:49) Spirit through the name of Jesus that Spirit has to leave and in Philippians chapter 2 and: 10 the Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in Earth and things under the Earth someday everything will bow at that powerful name of Jesus now that's way off in the future at the Judgment but now is a good time to bow at the name of Jesus let's go to Luke chapter 9 Luke chapter 9 and verse 49 well this is what uh the Bible says that someone did and look what they

(13:22) did to get rid of evil spirits Luke chapter 9 and verse 49 Luke 9: 49 and it says and John answered and said Master we saw one casting out devils in thy name and we forbid him because he followeth not us and Jesus said unto him forbid him not for he that is not against us is for us now these were the early Apostles and they were uh casting out devils in the name of Jesus and they said there's somebody wasn't with us and he was using your name to cast out Devils Jesus said hey who that is not against us is for us

(13:59) so Jesus is is saying hey that's okay but what I want to get to Here In this passage and I want you to see is that through the name of Jesus even the demons have to flee so the name of Jesus is powerful Acts 4:2 says there's no other name under Heaven given among men whereby you must be saved why would some man's name have such power because Jehovah saves is what Jesus means G or J or J is from Jehovah and then Seuss saves so Jesus saves is what the name Jesus means it means Jehovah saves so that's a powerful name it's not just a

(14:39) name of the Savior it's the name of God manifest In the Flesh so if you ever have to deal with demonic spirits that are attacking or maybe you know someone and they clearly have a devil in Jesus name get out Lord we ask you to rebuke them through your name and those demons hate the name of Jesus and if you've ever dealt with them you know what I'm telling you is the truth seven things that demons hate they hate that Jesus Christ is God and they hate the name of Jesus another thing I want to say that

(15:13) demons hate is the blood of Jesus the old hymn says There Is Power in the Blood there is power power power power Wonder working Power in the Blood of the lamb now do you really believe that do you really believe that There Is Power in the Blood a lot of churches nowadays they don't even preach on the blood of Jesus they don't even mention it anymore and that's a shame because the blood is what saves us and the blood is what Jesus Christ God manifest In the Flesh had to shed in Acts 20:28 says it's God's blood and it's that blood

(15:49) that is the atonement for sin and the Bible says you're to come to Jesus Christ as a sinner and receive the atonement by faith Romans 59 received the atonement so that blood of Jesus Christ is powerful and one thing I know and I've experienced this is that if there's a demon around if you mention the blood of Jesus they can't take it they flee they hate that precious blood especially when you preach what the Bible preaches that it's through faith in the blood that a person's saved why

(16:20) the demons flee 1 Peter 1:18 and 19 Peter says for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot that blood is precious it's the precious blood and it's that blood that washes our sins away 1 John 17 says it's the blood that cleanses because it says the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from

(16:50) all sin Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 12 this blood is so wonderful Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 12 the Bible talks about the blood and look what it says in Hebrews 91 12-4 the blood purges Hebrews 9:12 says neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy Place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us who Christ who is Christ God manifest In the Flesh the Messiah for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an hepher sprinkling the unclean Sanctified to the

(17:25) purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God Purge your conscience from dead Works to serve the Living God so not only does the blood wash away our sin from our soul it cleanses your conscience the devil will try to put in your head something the devil will try to make you think awful things but the blood is powerful and you can pray in the name of Jesus I plead the blood get out of here Demon Lord I pray that you just take that blood and

(17:57) apply it to my mind I I know my sins are forgiven but please cleanse my mind from the evil thoughts that the devil's trying to bring back to my head and that blood is powerful and that blood when you begin talking about that blood the demons hate it Ephesians 1:7 talks about in whom we have Redemption through his blood even the Forgiveness of sins that's a powerful thing that blood of Jesus because it's only the blood that saves and the Devils don't want you to be saved they want you to go to hell

(18:26) with them so they try to shut people up that preach the blood and they try to say oh don't listen to that guy he doesn't know what he's talking about the devil has his ministers the Bible says and they all preach their bloodless gospel and it's interesting to me that many of those with the bloodless gospel are turning to the false heresies and turning against the trinity in the doctrine of the godhead and they're not using the name of Jesus they're changing to oh we should call him yahushua or

(18:51) yahoshua or we should just say yah way or something like that no it's Jesus he's God and his blood is God's blood blood that can forgive your sins and when you start talking like this boy the demons hate it they hate it they run in all directions another thing that demons hate is the resurrection of Jesus Christ Matthew chapter 28 they hate it when you talk about the resurrection because in history only one man has ever risen from the dead and that man was Jesus Christ God manifest In the Flesh and he rose from the dead

(19:26) with eternal life and he offers ET eternal life to you and a resurrection if you come to him and trust him through his blood trust his blood Matthew 285 and six and the angel answered and said unto the women fear ye not for I know that you seek Jesus which was crucified he is not here for He Is Risen as he said come see the place where the Lord lay so Jesus Christ rose from the dead let's go to John chapter 10 and there is power in the resurrection and the demons hate the power the demons hate the resurrection of Jesus Christ John

(20:02) chapter 10 and verse 18 John 10:18 the Bible says no man taketh it from me Jesus is speaking and he says in verse 17 I lay down my life and then Verse 18 he says no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of myself I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again this commandment have I received of my father so Jesus Christ has power to die and Rise Again from the dead why because he is God manifest In the Flesh who shed his blood he had to die as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world so there is power in

(20:39) that resurrection and the demons hate that power they hate what Jesus did they hate that he died for Sinners they want Sinners to suffer in the Flames of the Damned in hell with them they don't want you to know that there's a way to heaven and it's through Jesus Christ and it's through his death what is his death the blood atonement and burial and Resurrection in Philippians 3 and: 10 the Bible says that I may know him Paul is speaking that I may know him who Jesus and the power of his resurrection

(21:11) and the fellowships of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death so the things that demons hate they hate the deity of Christ they hate the name of Jesus they hate the blood of Jesus they hate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead the more you preach on these things the less chance you have of demons coming into your church and false prophets wolves and sheep's clothing coming in with their damnable heresies so make sure you always mention that Jesus is God who he is make sure you always call on his name through

(21:43) using his name and saying lord it's your name we believe in you your name is powerful make sure you're preaching salvation through faith and the blood that's how you call upon the Lord is through the blood make sure you're always preaching the resurrection now the next thing I want to say number five is this some things that demons hate demons hate prayer and fasting Mark chapter 9 and verse 25 Mark chapter 9 and verse 25 demons hate when you pray they want you to forget to pray a lot of people do they forget to pray

(22:17) they don't take time to pray but prayer is a privilege prayer is our ability to talk to God and you know what the Bible says if you're saved the Bible says if you're saved you can come boldly to the throne of Christ through the blood of Jesus Christ I can stand before God in prayer and he's he's right there looking at me and listening to me and I can pray to him and talk to him that is such a wonderful thing look at what happens here in Mark chapter 9 verse 25 Mark 9: 25-29 when Jesus saw that the people

(22:51) came running together he rebuked the foul Spirit saying unto him thou dumb and deaf spirit I charge thee come out of him and enter no more in him now who is speaking Jesus and the spirit cried and rent him sore and came out of him and he was as one dead in his in so much as many said he is dead but Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose and when he was come into the house his disciples asked him privately why could we not cast him out and Jesus said unto them this kind can come forth by nothing

(23:21) but by prayer and fasting so in the Bible prayer and fasting is something that something we can do that has power and that can rebuke the spirit world and can change things and demons hate it when we go to the Lord in prayer and demons hate it when we fast and there may be a time in your life when you may need to fast uh 1 Corinthians chapter 7 or chapter yeah chapter 7 there's a uh thing in the Bible that for Christians where Christians are supposed to fast 1 Corinthians 7 and verse 5 defraud you not one another except it be with

(23:57) consent for a time that you may give give yourselves to prayer and fasting that you come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency the context of this is a man and woman getting married and if a man has to go somewhere and spend some time apart from his wife he's supposed to spend time in prayer and fasting and saying Lord please keep me from Temptation because I'm not able to be home and have relations with my wife the last thing I want is be tempted and fall into the sin of adultery now in my Ministry whenever

(24:27) I've gone somewhere and I've traveled somewhere uh if I was away from my wife for a long time we would pick a day where we would both fast sometimes it was half a day we would just skip lunch or dinner or breakfast or lunch and we would say in that time that we were going to eat we're going to pray and I'm going to be over here in Israel you're going to be back here we'll be praying or I'm over in Mexico and you're here we're praying or I'm in Honduras or I'm in Peru and we're both choosing that

(24:53) time that we're praying and we're praying as the Bible says Lord get the demons away from us because the the Bible says they're sensual Spirits are seducing spirits and what are they doing well they're they're inside people that are unsafe seducing them and trying to get those people to come over to try to seduce a Christian into falling and the last thing I'd ever want to do is adulterate or fornicate when God told me that not to do that that's a heinous sin so through prayer and fasting we can

(25:20) keep the devil from trying to tempt us and we can pray Lord in your name please keep the demons away from us and get me back safely to my wife or get me back to my husband if you're a woman and Lord please protect me from that Temptation from that sin of an adulterous woman or an adulterous man trying to make me sin against my husband or wife so prayer and fasting is powerful in the old days there used to be churches that would pray and fast but the context that we read was uh originally the first verse

(25:52) was for someone who's lost have you ever devoted time to prayer and fasting for someone you knew that wasn't saved because there might be demons that are over there covering their eyes and covering their ears and keeping them from hearing the gospel have you ever spent time in prayer and in fasting and asking God lord I pray for this person over here I really want to see him get saved God I'm going to spend a day or two fasting for them and just pray Lord that you'd help me to reach them with the gospel or that

(26:18) someone else would give them a gospel track and Lord that you would just get the demons away from that person so that they can hear the preaching of the Gospel so number five is prayer and fasting number six is the King James Bible you heard me I said the King James Bible the only word of God in English a lot of people run around oh my my the version that I use is there's only one Bible do you know what it says in Ecclesiastes 8:4 let's look at it Ecclesiastes chapter 8:4 there's a lot of different

(26:50) versions out there and a lot of people nowadays think well you know it's just your preference whichever one you want well there's a guy on you YouTube named Brandon Peterson and uh the Lord has given him a gift I believe and he's taken these programs which you can look up how many words are in the Bible and the computer programs how many times things show up and he has gone through and he has proven that only the King James Bible is mathematically perfect and God is a god of math there's a book

(27:21) called numbers in the Bible and there's so many times that things show up and it's divisible by the number seven seven is the number of perfection or completion and he'll go through there and show you proof we've done two live streams Jason Blood church and I have done a live streams with Brandon Peterson where we've talked about the King James Bible and how it's mathematically perfect so when it comes to the Bible in English the only one that is proven to be the one that God put out by math is

(27:52) the King James and all the other versions don't come from the same text that the King James came from the King James comes from the right Fountain right text new versions come from the alexandrian corrupt Gnostic critical Catholic text and many of them have attacks on the deity of Christ they take words out they change things there's 60,000 words Less in the NIV Bible there's 30,000 words Less in the new King James Bible and people say oh but they're just as good they're okay no they change things only God's book is

(28:25) the King James in English and that's not a cult that's not some oh you're one of those King James only cultists no I'm a King James only realist and I see the mathematical Perfection but also read the Bible itself and look what it says in Ecclesiastes 8:4 where the word of a king is there is power and who may say unto him what doest thou where the word of a king is there is power this book this King James Bible has power you get around a bunch of demons and you have a different version of the Bible it

(28:56) doesn't bother them but you cite from a King James Bible and quote it many people who have dealt with demonically possessed people have said that the demons can't stand the King James Bible and you come up to a person who's demonically possessed and you bring your King James version and you say hey in the name of Jesus the Bible says that Jesus Christ is God the Creator manifest In the Flesh and he is the one who shed his blood it's God's blood and the Bible and you start citing verses from the

(29:24) King James Bible and you say get out in the name of Jesus they scream these demonically possessed people and they say we hate the King James Bible but for some reason other versions aren't that bad to them isn't that weird isn't that a little like the Irish people would say isn't that queer um isn't that strange that the Devils hate the King James Bible above all others does that mean that it is the true inherent infallible inspired preserved perfect word of God that God even put numbers to prove it that there's this

(29:57) many times that the name Jes Jesus shows up and and it's all divisible by seven that can't be an accident Hebrews 4:12 talks about how the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword the sharpest version in English is the King James because it is the true word of God the perfect word of God in 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 and: 13 the Bible tells us what the word of God is and it is in truth the word of God and so when you quote scripture you're quoting the words of God 1 Thessalonians

(30:30) 2:13 for this cause also thank we god without ceasing because when you received the word of God which you heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe so this book can do a work in you the Bible says sanctify them through thy truth Thy word is truth John 17:17 this book is truth in Luke chapter 4 and verse 32 look what it says Luke 4:32 the Bible says in Luke 432 we read and they were astonished at his Doctrine for his word was with power

(31:09) Jesus came and he spoke his word and it was powerful there was power in his word well which Bible in English is the word of God translated correctly from the right text the King James and it is powerful where the word of a king is there is power there is power in that book and I have seen it firsthand and if you preach from a King James Bible all the demons in Hell scream and are angry but if you preach from any other version they're just like ah it's all right let them go because they know what I know

(31:41) all new versions of the Bible come from the corrupted text the Gnostic alexandrian text which are not the true text those are the texts that have been messed with and changed and many times the gnostics said we don't like the deity of Christ we better change that many times they said we don't like the name of Jesus you know how many times new versions of the Bible take the name Jesus and they just change it to Christ what is this hatred they have to the name of Jesus that they would take it out of the Bible new versions of the of

(32:11) the Bible they take out the blood of Jesus why often times they attack the resurrection of Jesus like they take out whole uh Passages at the end of the gospels and things like that that talk about the resurrection it's clear if you study that the person behind this is Satan you know new versions of the Bible take out fasting did you know that in that in that verse through prayer and fasting a lot of new versions just say prayer they take out fasting so it's very interesting to see if you deal with demonic spirits on a

(32:46) daily basis and thankfully for me it's not often but it's often enough that I'll come across someone that has a demon and it's good to know what can I use to combat those what is is it that those things despise that they can't stand that they hate that will make them flee they hate the name of Jesus they hate when you recognize Jesus as God they hate the precious blood of Jesus Christ they hate the resurrection they hate it when you pray and fast they hate the King James Bible and the last thing

(33:20) I want to say is they hate the true Gospel of Salvation the true Gospel of Salvation Paul calls my gospel three times in the Bible and the true Gospel of Salvation is that salvation is not by works it's by faith alone but you go to many churches today you know what they preach they preach oh well no no it's not by faith only you got to do this this this and this a lot of people try to tell you you're saved by water baptism or you're saved by going to the mass or you're saved by coming to our church they'll

(33:48) say oh there's no salvation outside of our church well a church didn't die for you Jesus died for you and they try to say no it's not the blood on the cross it's our blood in a little cup that you have to and they divert from what the truth is to get you away into a false gospel anyone that preaches other than the faith alone gospel the gospel of Salvation by believing in the blood of Christ they are a heretic they are a liar they are deceiver and most likely they are led by demons or Devils the

(34:20) true gospel is salvation is by faith alone through his blood alone so salvation is by grace through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ Ephesians 289 says for by grace are you Sav through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of Works lest any man should boast Romans 3:25 tells us what our faith is to be in Romans 3:25 says whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood our faith is to be in the blood of Jesus Christ the Bible teaches that Paul's gospel is the gospel for us today and

(34:54) Paul's gospel is trust the blood burial and Resurrection ction of Jesus Christ yet many today they preach a bloodless gospel they go to just one verse a lot of them just go to Romans 10 and just go to one verse number 13 is that a good number lucky number 13 no no that's 13 is the number of rebellion in the Bible but they go to one verse and pull it out of context and tell you well if you just say oh God you're saved oh Jesus please amen does that mean that anyone who just says Jesus name will be saved what about a

(35:26) guy who's working on a roof and he's hammering nails and he hits his finger with a hammer and he screams oh Jesus he called upon the name of the Lord but the Bible says he called in vain and you're not supposed to take the name of the Lord in vain he was using that as a cuss word are you telling me that he got saved no if you read chapter 10 the context is clear you call upon the Lord From The Heart by believing from the heart it's not just the mouth it's whether it comes from the heart so you

(35:57) got to understand understand your Bible and you got to understand what the gospel is the gospel is believing 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 is the gospel and it's all about how Christ died for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to scriptures how did he die he shed his blood and it says there in 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 this is how you're saved and what you're to stand in and what you're to believe Romans 1:16 says for I not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God under salvation to everyone that

(36:28) believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek so salvation is by Believing by Faith by receiving through faith by trusting Romans chapter 2: 16 Paul says in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by my gospel there was something that God told Paul see gospel means good news that is for us today and that we have to know what was that that God revealed to Paul that it's through faith in his blood Romans 32 2 acts 13:38 and 39 God showed Paul that it's not the works of the law that justifies

(37:07) you you're justified by faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ others today preach a bloodless gospel many people today they preach a gospel without blood and they just say things like well just come to God the best way you know how no you got to come to God the way he said to come to him and he said come through the blood and come by faith the Bible says without faith it is impossible to please him it's the blood acts 20: 28 says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to the flock over the which the Holy Ghost

(37:42) had made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood it's the blood of God it's the blood of Jesus Christ who is God now the Apostle Paul warns in this chapter that there's going to be people who come in in fact the the next verse says for I know this that after my departing shall Grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them he said he ceased not to warn everyone day

(38:16) and night and he says with tears what I'm seeing in my ministry as I'm watching all these other people out there that claim to be Christians many of them are being led by Satan being led by Devils there are people out there who claim to be Christians claim to be King James Bible believers who are now saying that the doctrine of the Trinity is a false Doctrine and you read their books they're saying that Jesus is not God when the Bible says that Jesus is God and then you call them on it they say oh

(38:47) well well he's just a created God oh so now there's two Gods he's just a created being that's what many Christians have preached for years that the Liberals say that's what new versions do when many of the new versions came out in John 1:18 they say instead of the only begotten son they change it to the only begotten God and we who are true Bible Believers that have stood against this we call them out and say hey that's satanic that's a doctrine of devils that's wrong but yet I'm seeing so-called King James

(39:15) Bible Believers falling into that heresy and they're allowing demons to turn them against the deity of Christ many out there who claim to be Christians who say well you shouldn't use the name of Jesus you should say Yahweh or yahu or yahushua hookahookah and any other thing but the name of Jesus and then they say oh no you shouldn't use a j it's Yus or something like that no Jesus is a powerful name a powerful name there are many out there especially in the King James Bible believing movement they say

(39:46) well you don't need to know about the blood of Jesus it's not the blood the blood's not important question why does it say through faith in his blood if it's not through faith in his blood you want to take that out of the Bible do you conveniently new versions do no salvation is through faith in the blood resurrection of Jesus many of your apostates they go around and say well it was just a spiritual Resurrection not a bodily Resurrection they're led by demons some of them say well prayer and

(40:15) fasting don't do anything you don't have to pray you don't need to pray you don't need to fast yet that's one of the ways that we combat the devil some of them are saying well the King James Bible isn't the true word of God and if they believe the King James Bible often times they'll begin to change the King James Bible they'll come to you like this well it might say that but what it means is no what it means is what it says and the Bible interprets itself so we'll go to a

(40:43) word and we'll say now where's that word in other places because I want to see what it's saying here watch out for people that write books and say well I used to believe this but now I believe this because you know and and then they in their book they say it says this what that means is no no no no it says this I'm going to go by what it says not by what you say that it says or should say and then the true Gospel of Salvation so many today are preaching a bloodless gospel they come to you and

(41:11) they say things like well just ask Jesus in your heart can you show me one verse of scripture that says ask Jesus in heart in your heart no you can't it's not there there's no verse that says ask Jesus in your heart they say things like well just go to God the best way you know how and ask him to save you invite him into your heart or your life can you show me one verse of scripture that says that no you cannot now you might attempt to but guess what you'll do you'll be twisting it out of context a lot of

(41:38) people go to Revelation chapter 3 and they say behold I stand at the door and knock and they say Jesus is knocking on your heart's door so you have to open your heart and invite Jesus into your heart that's not at all what that verse is saying the context is Jesus is outside of a church saying that church has kicked me out and I'm knock knocking on the door of the church and I'm telling people in there come out to me and get saved there's no heart's door it's not the fact that you ask or you pray or you

(42:09) invite Jesus into your life it's whether or not you're trusting in the blood to get you to heaven so a lot of so-called Christians some of them even claiming to be King James Bible Believers have fallen to the Wayside they have fallen away from the truth and apostasis and they're over here here and we who want to stand for the book we're over here and we recognize demons hate these things so we're going to stand fast preaching on these things that are truth that the demons hate and we would

(42:41) expect other true Bible Believers to come over here with us but what we're seeing today is people that claim to be Bible Believers separating and they're going over toward where the demons are well good luck with that I'm going to be over here with Jesus I don't want to go over there where the demons are and you're getting closer to them no wonder you're falling into heresy and false Doctrine can I ask you a question do you believe what I preached today do you understand what the Bible says if you're

(43:12) a pastor if you're a missionary if you're evangelist maybe you're just a Layman a Sunday school teacher maybe you're just somebody that goes to church would you do me a favor and make sure you preach the bloodstained Gospel of Jesus Christ and make sure that you preach the true word of God the King James Bible let me give you a quick uh story and I'll be done when I went to Bible school years ago there was a man that came to church and he was a practicing witch before he got saved I remember him sitting in front of me with

(43:41) his long hair and his biker jacket and all his tattoos and he claims to have gotten saved and I set him down I said well what's your testimony he says well I decided I don't want to be a witch anymore so I climbed up at a tree and I said oh God please save me I don't want to be a WI anymore and I said aun he says no that's it now I'm a Christian I said oh you know did you say Jesus or did you say please God and I said did you trust in the blood he said no I didn't I didn't well long story short he wasn't

(44:16) saved it was later that he got saved when he understood the message of the blood atonement of Jesus Christ and I don't want to get into the entire story but I asked that man after he truly got saved because the first time all he did was ask God to save him he didn't trust in the atonement in order to be saved he did that later and thank God he's saved now and he'll tell you I'm saved through faith in the blood but I asked that guy I said well you were a witch before you were saved did you ever deal with demons he says yes

(44:43) all the time what witchcraft is it's Conjuring up demons and through through different chants and things like that you make an agreement with them you'll do something for them and they do something for you I said well what were the demons names and he said well there's as a hell or whatever and there's more Moone and there's and he had names of them but I said well let me ask you this the Bible talks about another Jesus I said have you ever heard a demon say to you hey call me Jesus he said you know what

(45:10) that's interesting that you should say that he said I can't tell you how many times I was talking with a demon and it said call me Jesus and I said whoa so the Bible warns us of another Jesus and here he's confirming to me that demons go around and say call me Jesus call me Jesus I said ' interesting is there I said how how do you get a demon can I ask you that question I said how do you get a demon he goes that's easy he said 'you got to ask for it I said really I said wow I said now

(45:41) theoretically then I said well before I get to my theory I said let me ask you this he said what makes demons go away I said what makes demons flee have you ever seen anything that that whenever something was said the demon said ah and they ran away he said yeah anytime that someone said said Jesus Is God or the blood atonement or blood of Jesus or King James Bible they fled I said you're serious so they they don't like those things so I thought for a second I said okay I've got a theory and I said you

(46:12) tell me if you think this is is a theory that that it it makes sense what if someone goes to a church that doesn't preach the true gospel never preaches the blood and don't use the King James Bible and a person goes there and hears a milk soop message and then the pastor tells them now just ask Jesus into your heart do you think there could be a demon standing there saying call me Jesus just waiting to get inside he said I never thought about that but he goes yeah that would make sense because demons are waiting to be

(46:40) asked to come in well let me tell you this if you're preaching from a King James Bible and you're pointing people to trusting in the blood atonement of Christ I know one thing the demons would leave that church and someone would have a chance to be truly Born Again by faith alone in the blood of Christ so I think that we that are true Christians we that are true Bible Believers we need to make sure we take a stand on what the Bible says and understand what is our instruments what are our tools what are

(47:12) our weapons of warfare if you will spiritually and we need to say these are what we're standing on so that we know for sure when we're meeting together that no Demon's going to come anywhere close because we're using the terminology of the Bible we're talking about the things that the demons hate and can't stand to be around so with that stated are you saved there are people out there that I've known that claim to be Christians who I think are lost and it's because they will not come

(47:42) to the message of the blood sometimes they will not come to the King James Bible they keep their false version sometimes they will not admit that Jesus Christ is God manifest In the Flesh and one with the godhead one God in three and 3 and one there's all these things that I'm seeing even lately of people who who I thought were in our camp if you would of King James Bible Believers that preach the blood that are departing and they're preaching the doctrine of devils and all I can see and I can't see in the spirit world but in

(48:14) my mind all I can see is that the demons are going and applauding their departure from truth and I can see God up in heaven going come back over here come back back to the Bible back to the King James back to the blood back to prayer and fasting back to the atonement back to preaching the resurrection and its power back to the name of Jesus Christ and his Precious Blood so that's my sermon for the week I hope it's been a blessing to you and I hope that if you're not saved you'll get saved and I hope that if you

(48:48) are saved you will do everything within your power to be prayed up so that you can preach the right gospel because it gets people people saved many years ago I made it a point I made it my Ministry to make sure I focus on the blood of Jesus Christ and point people to him crucified and what he's done for them and trusting in his blood for salvation and I haven't wavered so many people tell me brother breaker I appreciate you because you've shown me the way of Salvation and I got saved through your

(49:19) preaching I just want to say I appreciate you for preaching the blood I'm not going to stop I'm going to keep doing it because I know one thing when I do that the Devils flee there's our message for the day seven things that the Devils hate I hope that's a blessing and I hope it will help you in the spiritual battle if you're a Christian it just might need be that you uh you just sit down and go pray right now maybe fast a little bit pray for lost souls and make sure that you're faithful

(49:46) in preaching the true message of Salvation through faith in the blood well God bless you thank you for being here with us and good Lord willing if the Rapture hasn't come yet we'll see you next time God bless bye-bye [Music]